Belfast 2023-03-12

Jonathan Doherty n/a

Child sex offender.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3525


Belfast, Ireland


The encounter at his home was brief and the molester seemed visibly surprised by our visit.

We asked him a simple question what would he say to his victims?

His reply, we didnt get any. He spotted our snapper and then closed the door in our face.

Linda Williamson and Toni Harrison arent the least bit surprised by their abusers reaction.

I dont think hes sorry, not for a second. In my eyes, hes a monster, says Linda.

At his sentencing, the court was told that Doherty fully accepted Linda and Tonis accounts of what happened, although he denied any recollection of playing a diaper-changing game.

Not only did he apologize for the abuse, but Doherty also apologized for the long-term psychological damage his sickly actions caused.

His victims are grateful that he finally pleaded guilty, but they believe its all just a front.

I would never call anyone bad. But after seeing him in court, hes the scum of the earth. Its sad that people like him exist in our society, admits Linda.

Doherty has built a life of his own and is well known in a community that is unaware of his past.

Jonathan Doherty was shocked when he saw our photographer

It has also been revealed that he is also a member of the Apprentice Boys in Co Londonderry.

Sunday Life understands hes the chaplain of the Campsie Club but thats about to change.

The Loyal Order has now been informed of his catalog of sex crimes, which began when he was just 10 years old, and have been in touch with survivor Linda.

Everyone I spoke to said Jonathan denied being on the list (sex offender registry) and so they wanted to confirm what happened.

He was proud of that. Every year he would have been paraded. He was the chaplain and read from the Bible.

I dont want to beat up the Apprentice Boys. You acted quickly and cut ties with him.

Sunday Life contacted the Apprentice Boys and they said the wheels are already in motion to sack Doherty.

Actions are being taken. Our associations rules state that any single member who is convicted or placed on a sex offender list as a result of what you are referring to will be automatically disfellowshipped, a spokesman said.

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