Havant 2023-02-24

Christian Wood 44

Decade-long sexual abuse of two young girls.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3516


Havant, Portsmouth & Sheffield


A man who stole the childhood of a girl, abusing her for over 10 years, before moving onto a younger victim has been jailed for his sickening actions.

Christian Wood, 43, received an extended sentence of 13 years at Sheffield Crown Court on Friday (24 February) to serve 10 years in prison and three years on licence - for the abuse he inflicted on two young girls for over a decade.

Wood was found guilty of sexual assault of a child under 13, three counts of sexual activity with a child, assault by penetration and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity by a jury on 3 February following a one-week trial.

The court heard how Wood groomed one of his victims over a period of years, touching her inappropriately, before engaging in sexual activity with her. As she got older, Wood moved on to another younger victim, subjecting her to online grooming and asking her for sexual favours.

Woods abuse was reported to the police after the victims both found the courage to speak to someone they trusted.

One of the victims personal impact statements, read in court, explains how Woods actions ruined her life. It said: I have lost my childhood. My memories have been overtaken by the sickening abuse I experienced, the abuse you put me through. I dont remember the good times. You damaged my mental health, my mood, and my motivation.

I have made several attempts to end my life because of the abuse and trauma I was subjected to.

You abused your power of trust and because of that I now have severe trust issues. This has impacted my ability to form different types of relationships, including family and friends. I am constantly on edge, searching for the negatives, risks and threats in all situations. Things I once used to enjoy have now become triggers and reminders of the disgusting abuse that you put me through.

The relationship that has been destroyed the most is the one with myself.

Investigating Officer PC David Beck said: At the heart of this investigation are two victims who have had their childhood stolen and lives affected forever.

Woods offending was sinister and manipulative, distancing his victims from family and loved ones one of the victims recalled how he alienated her from her father.

No child should experience what Woods two victims have suffered, no child should suffer abuse. Their bravery and courage throughout this investigation has been incredible. They have showed that they have a voice and theyre no longer afraid.

Wood showed no remorse for his actions, and even after inflicting abuse on the victims for years, still pleaded not guilty and subjected them to relive every experience at trial.

He is a vile human being who will now spend years in prison. I hope the sentencing of Wood provides the victims with some sort of closure and helps them rebuild their lives.

The victims impact statement continued: This is me gaining my power and voice back. I am going to learn how to deal with this. I am free. I am going to thrive, and you are going to rot.

Wood, formerly of Havant, Hampshire, was also handed an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO).

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