Newport 2022-10-27

Paul Allen 61

Raped one schoolboy and sexually assaulted another.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3449


Backhall Street, Caerleon, Newport, South Wales, Newport, NP18


A PAEDOPHILE who raped one schoolboy and sexually assaulted another has been jailed for 22 years.

Paul Allen, 60, from Newport, was told by Judge Daniel Williams that he had "an insatiable interest in the sexual abuse of young boys”.

The defendant, of Backhall Street, Caerleon, was found guilty following a trial of a catalogue of offences.

They included rape, sexual assault and inciting a 13-year-old boy to engage in sexual activity.

At Newport Crown Court Allen was handed an 18-year jail sentence plus an extended licence period of four years.

He will serve two thirds of the custodial sentence before he will be eligible for parole.

Allen will be on the sex offenders’ register for life.

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