Cumbria 2023-02-23

James Greenwood 40

Sexually assaulted woman then called her 'beautiful'.

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Offender ID: O-3428


Sybil Street, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1


A CARLISLE man who sexually assaulted a woman while she and he were drunk has been put on the Sex Offender Register.

James Greenwood, 39, with neither preamble nor warning, began removing the shocked woman’s clothing as she lay on the floor in her pyjamas. As she resisted, he apologised, telling her: “You need to understand you’re a beautiful woman.”

At the city’s crown court, a barrister outlined how the late-night incident had caused the woman severe psychological harm.

The experience left her suffering panic attacks and an “enormous sense of dread” while also damaging her self-confidence and her sense of self-worth. Greenwood, of Sybil Street, Carlisle, admitted a sexual assault.

Brendan Burke, prosecuting, outlined the facts.

He said the defendant and the woman had spent an evening together, both drinking heavily. “They were both very drunk,” said Mr Burke. During the evening, Greenwood told the woman he wanted their relationship to develop.

Mr Burke said: “She repeatedly told him that she wasn’t interested; and ultimately, in frank terms, told him: ‘I don’t fancy you.’”

By 11pm, said Mr Burke, both the woman and the defendant were “very drunk” and there came a point when she was lying on the floor in the property’s living room, in her pyjamas.

Initially, she was unaware of what happened next but then realised that Greenwood had started to remove her clothing. She immediately resisted, flailing around and demanding to know what he was doing.

“I can’t believe that you’ve done that,” she told Greenwood, who said he was sorry. The woman then started recording what happened on her phone.

“She asked him why he did it,” said Mr Burke. “He said: ‘I just cracked. Sorry. I love you.” Mr Burke continued: “She was asking him leave.

“He initially didn’t want to; he was asking her not to call the police.” He then did leave, telling his victim as he did so: 'I think you have a problem. I hope things are okay between us.'”

The prosecutor went on to read from the woman’s victim impact statement, in which she described the lasting effects of the sexual assault. She had been left feeling socially isolated and panic-stricken.

She needed counselling as a result of what happened. She added: “I don’t want to be seen as a victim… but I don’t want anybody else to be a victim of [the defendant] or hurt by what he is capable of.”

Jeff Smith, for Greenwood, said the defendant was immediately “overwhelmed with guilt” when the woman reacted to the assault. He was apologetic "in the extreme,” said the lawyer.

“There was a huge mistake made after both parties had consumed significant amounts of alcohol and were lying on the floor together.” Now supported by an alcohol charity, the defendant had been alcohol free for 30 days.

Mr Smith added: “He knows now that she didn’t appreciate his attentions and very much regrets the distress and harm caused to this lady and hopes that she can recover and move on.”

Judge Nicholas Barker accepted that Greenwood had not gone to the woman’s property with the intention of assaulting her. But what happened caused “severe psychological harm” to the victim, said the judge.

Judge Barker added: “She’d made it clear she wasn’t interested… You knew even in your drunken state that you were doing something you shouldn't have done. That's why you were so apologetic to her.

“You had absolutely no justification for doing what you did.”

The court heard that Greenwood’s only previous conviction was for a drink driving offence in 2013, prompting the judge to remark that the defendant clearly had an inappropriate relationship with alcohol.

But, given the absence of previous offending, Judge Barker said he could suspend the two year jail term he imposed for two years. Greenwood must complete 20 rehabilitation activity days and 200 hours unpaid work.

As well as putting the defendant on the Sex Offender Register for a decade, the judge imposed an indefinite restraining order which bans the defendant from having any contact with the victim.

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