Manchester 2023-02-23

Aaron Burns 32

Sexually assaulted and robbed a woman as she walked home from a night out.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3426


No fixed address.


A dangerous sex offender who sexually assaulted and robbed a woman as she walked home from a night out has been jailed for 10 years.

Aaron Burns, 31, followed his victim as she walked through Lancaster city centre at around 2am on November 14, 2019. When she got to her home the victim felt somebody put a hand over her face and a hand around her waist.

Burns then said: Youre coming with me or Ill murder you. Burns pulled her onto a canal towpath, before asking what money she had and going through her handbag.

He then sexually assaulted her in a harrowing ordeal. The victim pushed Burns away and shouted for him to leave her alone. But he then grabbed her mobile phone and threw it into the canal, telling her she wasnt using it.

Burns then ran off and the victim sought help. Burns, of no fixed address, was arrested and linked to the offence from CCTV footage recovered by Lancashire Constabulary's investigation team.

He denied any wrongdoing but was found guilty of sexual assault, kidnap and robbery following a trial at Preston Crown Court. He was sentenced at the same court earlier this month.

Having deemed Burns to be dangerous, the Judge told him that he must serve at least two thirds of his sentence before he is eligible for parole. Burns was also ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

DI Dylan Hrynkow, of Lancaster CID, said: This was an appalling offence committed against a young woman as she walked home from a night out with friends. This crime has understandably had a profound impact on her made all the worse by the fact Burns forced her to relive the ordeal by running a trial.

"He did this in the full knowledge that he was responsible for this despicable crime. I would like to commend the bravery of the victim. Burns is a dangerous offender who poses a risk to the public by his appalling offending and I am glad he has been given a significant custodial sentence. The notification requirements mean he will be monitored by the authorities for the remainder of his life.

Chief Supt Karen Edwards, our Divisional Commander for the West of the county, said: The persistence and determination of the diligent investigation team has led to a dangerous offender being taken off the streets of Lancaster. We are committed to protecting women and girls from all form of violence and where we identify this type of abhorrent behaviour we will do everything we can to put the perpetrators before the courts.

I hope the outcome of this case will encourage other victims of sexual offences to come forward, knowing they will be believed, listened to and we will do everything in our power to put the perpetrator before the courts.

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