Isle of Wight 2023-02-20

Daryll Pitcher 47

Councillor found guilty of historic child rape charges.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3417


Not reported.


Isle of Wight councillor, Daryll Pitcher, has been found guilty of historic child rapes.

It follows a six-day trial at the Isle of Wight Crown Court, which concluded today (Monday).

Five hours to make decision
The jury retired for its deliberations this morning and after nearly five hours had made its decision.

Pitcher, 46, has been found guilty of two counts of rape between June 1990 and March 1992.

11-1 found Pitcher guilty
The jury reached a majority verdict on the counts, as members could not all agree, with 11 to one finding Pitcher, of Norman Way, Wootton, guilty.

Earlier in the trial, Pitcher had been found not guilty of indecent assault of a girl under 14 years as the prosecution presented no evidence.

Sentencing in April
A pre-sentence report was requested by Recorder Richard Onslow before, sentencing on 12th April.

Mr Onslow told Pitcher all sentencing options were open to the court and thanked the jury for listening to the case with care, as he noted at it had not been an easy one.

Sex Offenders Register
Pitcher will now be placed on the Sex Offenders Register and was bailed to appear at the sentencing, with the condition he did not contact the victim.

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