Carmarthenshire 2023-02-22

Phillip Williams 49

Rapist dragged schoolgirl to a field and raped her after forcing her to take cocaine.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3414


Market Square, Llandovery, Wales, SA2


AN evil thug dragged a schoolgirl into a field and repeatedly raped her as he held a screwdriver to her neck, a court heard.

Phillip Williams planned the attack which came after forcing his victim to take cocaine and alcohol.

After raping the child, the defendant - who was also armed with a length of rope - forced the muddy and half-naked girl into his car.

He took her on a lengthy journey to secluded woodlands in Port Talbot, Wales, where he beat her up and repeatedly demanded oral sex.

Sentencing Williams to 22 years in prison, followed by an eight-year licence period, a judge told him he was so deceptive and manipulative that friends and family had no idea what he was really capable of.

Swansea Crown Court heard the incident took place in the summer of last year when Williams put into action his plan to commit child rape.

The defendant forced his victim into a muddy field in the Llandovery area and beat her before stripping her, forcing her to consume alcohol and cocaine.

He tied her hands and then repeatedly raped her while holding a screwdriver to her neck.

The court heard the child was crying and resisting Williams during the ordeal and when she asked the defendant why he was doing what he was doing he replied: "Because I can."

After attacking the girl Williams – under the influence of cannabis and alcohol – took her phone and dragged her into a car taking her to woods near Margam Park.

Once in the woods he beat up the girl and again demanded oral sex, which was refused.

The court heard the girl eventually managed to retrieve her phone from Williams and flee the woods and she then called 999.

Police were soon on the scene and found the girl – muddy, half-dressed, shoeless, and in an extremely distressed state – and took her to safety.

An investigation was launched – which included looking for evidence at the site of the rapes where the child's underwear was recovered – and 48-year-old Williams was identified.

The defendant tried to evade capture but a manhunt by Dyfed-Powys Police and South Wales Police located him and he was arrested.

He denied all the allegations against him.

In a victim impact statement read to the court by barrister Helen Randall the teenager described the devastating impact of her ordeal.

She said she used to be an outgoing girl who would talk to anyone but now feels paranoid and untrusting of strangers and is constantly worrying about people's intentions.

She struggles to sleep, has lost weight, feels isolated at school, and keeps having nightmares that Williams will find her again no matter where she is.

The teenager said "it feels like he took control of my life" and "nothing will ever be the same again".

She said she feels like she wants to change her appearance, change her name, and move away to start a new life.

Judge Catherine Richards told Williams he had subjected his young victim to a "brutal" ordeal which had caused "severe psychological harm and has affected every aspect of her life".

The defendant can apply for release after serving two-thirds of the custodial element of the sentence but it will be for the Parole Board to determine if he is safe to be released and on what conditions.

Williams will be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life.

Speaking after the sentencing, Dyfed-Powys Police detective inspector Dale Thomas said the defendant had thought he could get away with his crimes.

But thanks to the bravery of the victim and the efforts of the investigating team he had been brought to justice, with the jury in the case taking just 40 minutes to reach its verdicts.

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