Cumbria 2023-02-04

Martin Cole 33

Catalogue of sickening online child sex offences.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3345


Greystone Place, Cleator Moor, Cumbria, CA25


A PERVERTED west Cumbrian man is facing a jail sentence after he admitted a catalogue of sickening online child sex offences.

The crimes committed by 32-year-old Cleator Moor man Martin Cole included him 'plying' a girl aged 11 or 12 with gifts and money and asking her to perform sex acts on herself and also to send him a video of her doing a striptease.

A prosecuting barrister at Carlisle Crown Court said the behaviour was part of an attempt by Cole to sexually groom his victim.

When he appeared in the dock, the defendant, of Greystone Place, Cleator Moor, entered guilty pleas to eight allegations relating to his behaviour in 2020. Those offences were:

Prosecutor Peter Barr told the court that police initially began investigating Cole for the indecent images offences but as they examined his online activity the investigation took on a more serious aspect because of what was found.

Defence lawyer Sean Harkin requested that pre-sentence background reports are prepared before sentence is passed and he asked the judge to grant Cole bail so that he can put his financial affairs in order before the inevitable jail term.

Judge Guy Mathieson told the defendant: “You have pleaded guilty to a series of offences, which attract an immediate custodial sentence. Having a relationship with an 11 or 12-year-old girl in which you plied her with gifts and money – whether in exchange for or in order to acquire – sexual images of her quite appalling behaviour.

“You will serve a custodial sentence.”

The judge went on to direct that the Crown Prosecution Service provide an explanation of why the case has taken two years to get before the court.

The judge agreed to grant Cole bail but told the defendant, who has no previous convictions: “I take the view that this is extremely serious offending.”

He put Cole on the Sex Offender Register, saying the period he will be on it will be determined by the length of his sentence. 

The defendant will be sentenced on March 3. On that day, the court will hear victim impact statements from the child involved and her mother.

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