Bristol 2016-08-04

Ryan Kennedy 37

Controlling boyfriend emotionally and financially manipulated three women and then raped them.

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Offender ID: O-3285


Bristol & Plymouth


A vicious sex fiend who emotionally controlled three women before raping them has been jailed for 11 years. 

Ryan Kennedy, 29, controlled the women by emotional manipulation and eroded their self confidence before raping them over a seven-year period.

He made one of his victims apologise for 'ruining his fun' after she  'screamed and cried' as he raped her. 

Another traumatised partner was brutally raped her as 'punishment', with Kennedy threatening to hurt her more if she screamed.

A third woman said she submitted to his unwanted sexual advances after he threatened to leave her if she did not have sex with him. 

Kennedy, an office worker from Bristol, smiled as he was led from court after his sentencing at Gloucester Crown Court.

Judge Jamie Tabor QC said: 'The phrase coercive control was coined to describe a situation where one person in a relationship, over a period of time, overshadows and eventually takes over control of the other person.

'The premiere feature is that the victims are made to feel guilty if they don't do as they are told.'

He added: 'Coercive controllers are often highly narcissistic and inevitably selfish.

'If told by other that is how they are viewed, they are always abrupt.

'You are a controller, and like most controllers you pick on members of the opposite sex and those that are vulnerable.'

Kennedy faced 14 charges - including 11 rapes - but after a two-week trial was acquitted of three counts and eight were left to lie on file.

But the jury found him guilty of raping three women between 2008 and last year.

'These rapes took place within the context of what was described as controlling, abusive and manipulative relationships,' prosecutor Fiona Elder said.

She said Kennedy, from Bristol, attacked one woman after she said she did not want to have sex with him, despite her asking him to stop.

Ms Elder said: 'She described herself as screaming and crying during the intercourse.

'She said that it hurt. She asked him to stop.

'He criticised her for ruining his fun and made her apologise to him. She limped off to the bathroom.'

Another woman 'submitted' to his advances when she did not want to have sex after having had surgery.

'She gave the reasons why she did not want to have sex at that time but she said it was a case of submission,' Ms Elder said.

'He threatened to leave her if she did not submit to his sexual advances.'

Kennedy also raped another woman as a punishment, threatening that if she made too much noise he was 'really going to hurt her'.

The court heard the pair initially had a consensual sadomasochistic relationship, but as it progressed it became 'more and more one-sided'.

Ms Elder told the court: 'He used it as a punishment. She can't remember what she had done for him to get angry.

'He engaged in very aggressive intercourse which caused her to bleed.

'She tried not to make too much noise. She was told that if she screamed he was really going to hurt her.'

Defending Kennedy, Dominic Thomas claimed the accused 'misunderstood what was meant by consent'.

He added that his client's sister and grandmother had died while he was in custody, and that he was teaching other prisoners how to read.

Kennedy was sentenced to two terms of four years and one of three years to all run consecutively.

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