Colchester 2020-09-23

Aaron Whitman 34

Offering a vulnerable 15-year-old cash to have sex with him.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3283


Not known.


A CONVICTED sex offender previously jailed for offering a vulnerable 15-year-old cash to have sex with him on Facebook has been sent back to prison.

Four years ago, Aaron Whitman was given a 16-month jail term after propositioning the girl online.

He found out details of her social care records via his then role at Essex County Council.

As well as his prison sentence, for inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and misconduct in a public office, Whitman, now 31, was made subject to certain notification requirements and a ten-year sexual harm prevention order limiting the contact he could have with youngsters.

However, last year he had unsupervised contact with a girl on numerous occasions whose mother did not initially know about his conviction, Chelmsford Crown Court was told.

Whitman’s behaviour was not inappropriate towards her but he was still banned from being with her.

He also opened a new bank account and spent approximately 30 nights away from his home address in Pirie Road, West Bergholt, without telling officers.

He admitted breach of sexual harm prevention order and failing to comply with notification requirements.

Judge Timothy Walker jailed him for a year at Chelmsford Crown Court yesterday.

“You would have been told any breach of this order would likely result in your return to custody,” he said.

Barry Gilbert, mitigating, had called for leniency saying no child at come to harm on this occasion.

He said: “However unpleasant this all is, in four years there has been one breach.

“There has never been any danger for a child which is what these orders are put in place for.”

Whitman’s sexual harm prevention order will now run for another ten years.

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