Huddersfield 2021-02-18

Alexander Griffiths 40

Paedophile blackmailed a 14-year-old girl he met on Snapchat in a bid to force her to make pornographic videos.

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Offender ID: O-3227


Denby Dale, Huddersfield, HD8


A paedophile blackmailed a 14-year-old girl he met on Snapchat in a bid to force her to make pornographic videos and send them to him.

Married Alexander Griffiths posed as a boy and befriended the Leicester girl on the social media site, groomed her with compliments and told her to send him some pictures of her partially naked.

Won over by his attention, she did what he asked, YorkshireLive reports.

But then he demanded she make a pornographic video and send that to him, or he would post the images she had already sent him on Instagram.

Terrified of anyone finding out, but unwilling to make the videos he demanded, the teenager descended into a severe depression, self-harming almost every day.

Griffiths, from Denby Dale, Yorkshire, tried to sextort the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, for nearly a month in March 2019. She continued to refuse to do what he wanted, and he posted the pictures of her on Instagram, leading to a police investigation and his arrest.

Pervert sent girl pictures of his genitals

Griffiths was aged 35 at the time he befriended the girl on Snapchat, but pretended he was 16, Leeds Crown Court heard yesterday.

Prosecutor Michael Collins said Griffiths sent the child photographs of his genitals, and she sent him photos of herself both fully clothed and partially naked.

He began annoying her by 'bombarding' her with messages, so she blocked him on the site.

Griffiths then tracked the girl down on Instagram, and sent her a message threatening to post online one of the photos she had sent him if she did not make hardcore pornographic videos of herself, but she refused.

He then gave her three options a three-minute video of her having sex with her boyfriend, a picture of her performing a sex act on her boyfriend or a 20-minute live webcam chat in which she and her boyfriend would have to do anything he asked them to.

The victim pleaded with Griffiths, telling him she had been crying in school, that she had mock exams in a few weeks and that she was too young to have sex.

But Griffiths, who now has a baby daughter himself, started a countdown until he would post the photos online.

He started following her friends on Instagram, hoping they would follow him back so they would see the pictures when he posted them.

When the deadline expired, he followed through with his threat by posting two of the photos she had sent him on his public Instagram account.

In November 2019, the police went to his house, in Wakefield Road, Denby Dale, where he lives with his wife, and arrested him.

They seized his phone, and while he confirmed what he had done, he initially denied knowing the girls age.

But he later pleaded guilty to inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and distributing indecent images of a child.

Girl would cry herself to sleep every night

The court heard from Griffiths's victim via a statement read to the judge.

In the statement, the girl described feeling 'trapped' and said she self-harmed 'nearly every day' throughout Griffiths's sextortion, a form of blackmail in which a person is threatened with having information about their sexual activities revealed publicly if they do not comply with demands.

The girl would cry herself to sleep, leave classes to cry and would also scrub herself in the shower until her body hurt.

She said: "I was constantly stressed, upset and angry. I became a horrible person."

She was sent to chat with her school counsellor but was afraid to say anything about Griffiths, the court heard.

Griffiths was jailed for three years and four months.

Charlotte Rimmer, representing Griffiths, told the court her client had since had a baby with his wife, and that she was now a year old.

She said social services became involved with the family due to the case, and he was now only allowed contact with his daughter under the supervision of his wife.

Griffiths was also made subject to an indefinite sexual harm prevention order, banning him from having unsupervised contact with any underage girls.

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