Oxford 2022-12-20

Nicholas Moth 70

Pensioner sent sick child abuse image to 'like-minded' pervert online.

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Offender ID: O-3156


Victoria Road, Summertown, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2


A Summertown pensioner amassed a library of child sex abuse material over a decade – and shared one image with a ‘like-minded’ pervert online.

But the pervert to whom Nicholas Moth sent the category A indecent image was, in fact, an undercover police officer trawling the net for would-be sex offenders.

And last week, the 69-year-old broke down in tears in the dock as he was sent to prison for two years and eight months.

Sending him down, Judge Michael Gledhill KC told Moth: “It is a tragedy that a man of 69, of previous good character, with a good reputation and an impeccable work record should find himself in the dock of this crown court today.

“It is inconceivable to any right-minded person how somebody of your background and intelligence could have this perverted sexual view of children.”

He added: “[Your counsel] eloquently tells me you were living in a fantasy world.

“I don’t accept that you were at all. This is what you wanted to do.

“From August 2010 until May 2021, so over 10 years, you were accumulating a library of child sex images; each of the children depicted being abused sexually by others.

“You knew perfectly well that by being a customer of such photographs you were directly involved in those children being abused and others going to be abused.”

Julian Lynch, prosecuting, told Oxford Crown Court that Moth was arrested after his ‘fantasy’ conversations with others online came to light.

Following his arrest in 2021 Moth’s devices had been analysed. In total, he had almost 900 indecent images and films, including 192 in the worst category.

Moth, of Victoria Road, Oxford, pleaded guilty to making – or possession – of indecent images and extreme pornographic material and distribution of a category A image.

Mitigating, Lucy Tapper said her client had become more and more isolated, entering an ‘emotional spiral’ and had ‘barely left the house in seven years’.

Asking for the judge to suspend any custodial sentence, she said Moth married and his wife was dependent upon him.

The defendant was remorseful and ‘deeply ashamed’, she added. “He knows that what he’s done is fully deserving of punishment and he is at risk of going to prison.”

Since his arrest he had ‘totally ceased’ his former activities, sought support and limited his internet use.

Judge Gledhill said a prison sentence was ‘inevitable’. Although acknowledging the impact on Moth’s wife, he told the defendant: “Every day of your sentence, I hope when you ponder on what you have done you realise the one who say you love is the one who will pay the most penalty.”

Moth must abide by a 10-year sexual harm prevention order and will be a registered sex offender for life.

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