Manchester 2022-12-04

Mohammed Chaudry 42

Convicted sex offender was spotted in his car with two drunken teenagers high on nitrous oxide.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3105


Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32


A convicted sex offender was spotted in his car with two drunken teenagers high on nitrous oxide by an alert passer-by.

The woman spotted Mohammed Chaudry, 41, in his Vauxhall Astra in Liverpool city centre and saw the girls, one of whom was “foaming at the mouth.”

Liverpool Crown Court heard today (Friday, December 2) that her attention was drawn to them when Chaudry, of Stretford, called out to her, “My friends fancy you, will you get in?"

She was so concerned that she called the police and after circulating its details they managed to spot the vehicle at 2.50 am on Edge Lane on July 15 this year heading out of the city towards the M62, said Michael Scholes, prosecuting.

He was stopped and found to be a convicted sex offender registered with Greater Manchester Police. The girls in the car were found to be one who was 15 that day and a 17-year-old.

Mr Scholes said that analysis of ANPR cameras showed they had been in and around Liverpool for three and a half hours.

Chaudry was breathalysed and found to be over the limit and a small amount of cocaine and cannabis and nitrous oxide canisters were also found in the vehicle. There were also empty alcohol bottles and both teenagers were intoxicated.

“They claimed they knew the defendant as ‘Mo’ but eventually admitted they did not know him at all,” said Mr Scholes.

They said they had been driving in the Eccles area when Chaudry pulled up in his car and asked them to get in, which they did. The older girl said she went to look after her friend.

All three of them consumed alcohol and nitrous oxide and he drove them to Liverpool. After driving around for a while in the city he started kissing the younger girl and touched the thigh of her friend.

Mr Scholes said that the defendant had previously shown them a knife and the older girl said she was frightened and wanted to go home but they did not know the area.

The court heard that it was when Chaudry stopped at a shop in London Road in Liverpool’s city centre that the woman passer-by saw him and became concerned.

The younger girl refused to co-operate with police but the 17-year-old said that they had all been inhaling gas from balloons.

In a victim impact statement the 17-year-old said if the car had not been stopped she worried about what would have happened as they did not know what he was capable of doing.

Chaudry, of Chester Road, Stretford, has previous convictions including causing or inciting under age girls into prostitution in June 2013.

He pleaded guilty to sexual assault and engaging in sexual activity, possessing cocaine and cannabis and driving with excess alcohol.

Jailing him for two and a half years Judge Denis Watson, KC , said, “You took advantage of the fact they had been drinking and were drunk in order to commit these two sexual offences.”

He banned Chaudry, who appeared via video link from prison, from driving for 23 months and ordered him to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for life.

He also imposed an indefinite Sexual Harm Behaviour Order and a restraining order. He commended the woman passer-by for her actions.

Matthew Stewart, defending, said, “He accepts his actions were totally inappropriate.”

He explained that the defendant had been badly affected by the death of his uncle, who was a father figure, and the break-up of a six year relationship.

He cares for his disabled mum “and started drinking heavily and using cocaine and cannabis to numb his feelings.”

Mr Stewart said Chaudry has been on remand for five months and has been using his time constructively.

Speaking after the hearing, Detective Inspector Alan Nuttall said: “This was an extremely disturbing crime by Chaudry against two teenage girls which has caused them great psychological distress.

"I would like to thank the vigilant member of the public who brought this case to the attention of police, and the victims in this case for their bravery in supporting the criminal justice process. I would also like to thank our specialist officers who have supported them throughout this case.

"Thanks to their extensive investigations this despicable offender is behind bars where he will pose no further risk to other girls.

"Merseyside Police are completely committed to protecting victims from sexual assault or violence.

"If you have experienced any form of sexual abuse, please come forward and report this to police.

"We have a specialist team committed to dealing with all forms of abuse, who will treat any information from you extremely seriously, and will follow up every report and any information that comes in, so please report this to us.

"I can assure anyone who reports such offences that you will be treated with the utmost sensitivity and fully supported through the entire process."

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