Newport 2022-11-09

Bradley Bullock 27

Raped a 15-year-old schoolgirl as she was being sick after she had been plied with alcohol.

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Offender ID: O-2936


Newport, Wales


 A MAN raped a 15-year-old schoolgirl as she was being sick after she had been plied with alcohol.

Bradley Bullock, 26, from Newport, went on to sexually assault women and threatened to rape a nurse. 

 The defendant, who was sectioned at one point, claimed to have “met the devil in jail and said there was a conspiracy to kill his family”. 

 The defendant, who was sectioned at one point, claimed to have “met the devil in jail and said there was a conspiracy to kill his family”. 

 Matthew Cobbe, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court: “The rape victim was 15 at the time of the offence.

“She was targeted and the defendant knew her age and realised there was an opportunity.

“He raped her as she was vomiting. It was humiliating.

“Alcohol was used to facilitate the offence and she was plied with drink.”

Byron Broadstock, representing Bullock, said in mitigation of the rape: “There is no criticism of the victim but she was drinking of her own free will.

“This was an opportunistic offence on Mr Bullock’s behalf.”

The court was told that the defendant had been sectioned and was “clearly mentally unwell” at the time of some of the offences.

Mr Broadstock added that his client had a “sad and tragic background”.

Bullock, formerly of Stelvio Park Court, Newport, was also being sentenced after he pleaded guilty to a burglary and robbery offence committed after the sexual offences. 

 Matthew Cobbe, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court: “The rape victim was 15 at the time of the offence.

“She was targeted and the defendant knew her age and realised there was an opportunity.

“He raped her as she was vomiting. It was humiliating.

“Alcohol was used to facilitate the offence and she was plied with drink.”

Byron Broadstock, representing Bullock, said in mitigation of the rape: “There is no criticism of the victim but she was drinking of her own free will.

“This was an opportunistic offence on Mr Bullock’s behalf.”

The court was told that the defendant had been sectioned and was “clearly mentally unwell” at the time of some of the offences.

Mr Broadstock added that his client had a “sad and tragic background”.

Bullock, formerly of Stelvio Park Court, Newport, was also being sentenced after he pleaded guilty to a burglary and robbery offence committed after the sexual offences. 

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