Aberdeen 2021-12-26

Jaqueline Milne 35

Mum had sex with a 15-year-old boy after invit­ing him into her home and telling him to “down” a glass of wine.

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Offender ID: O-2879


Wellheads Avenue, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21


An Aber­deen mum had sex with a 15-year-old boy after invit­ing him into her home and telling him to “down” a glass of wine.

Jac­queline Milne (Jackie Milne) was 33 when she had sex with a teen­ager on three dif­fer­ent occa­sions.

Aber­deen Sher­iff Court was told she and her vic­tim had been at the same party together and he had walked her home.

She invited him in for a drink, poured a glass of wine and instruc­ted him to “down it”.

Fiscal depute Lynne MacVicar said Milne then told the boy to take off his top before kiss­ing him and tak­ing him to her bed­room.

She then per­formed a sex act on him before the pair had inter­course that even­ing and again the fol­low­ing morn­ing.

She then per­formed a sex act on him before the pair had inter­course that even­ing and again the fol­low­ing morn­ing.

“Over the fol­low­ing weeks, the accused was in con­tact with him and they had inter­course on one fur­ther occa­sion around the end of May 2019 fol­low­ing com­mu­nic­a­tions from the accused,” the fiscal added.

Milne – who is now 36 – was con­fron­ted about her beha­viour by the woman who had hos­ted the party after hear­ing rumours about the pair.

She ini­tially denied it but later admit­ted to hav­ing inter­course with the boy.

Police were con­tac­ted when the boy’s par­ents heard the same rumours and found mes­sages on his Face­book app which sug­ges­ted sexual acts had taken place.

One mes­sage showed the boy mak­ing con­tact with Milne and stat­ing he wanted to fight another man.

One mes­sage showed the boy mak­ing con­tact with Milne and stat­ing he wanted to fight another man.

She later replied: “You came to my house when I was drunk, had sex with me which I have no memory of what­so­ever ... that can be classed as rape, so stop threat­en­ing me please.”

In a police inter­view, Milne told officers she thought the boy was 17.

Milne, of Well­heads Avenue, Dyce, ini­tially denied a charge of enga­ging in sexual activ­ity with someone under the age of 16, but changed her plea before a trial last month.

Defence agent Liam McAl­lister said the boy was “never in any way inter­ested” in going to the police but was “more than happy” for their rela­tions to become pub­lic.

Sher­iff Morag McLaugh­lin ordered Milne to remain under the super­vi­sion of social work­ers for two years and carry out 225 hours of unpaid work.

She was also placed on the sex offend­ers register for two years.

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