Merseyside 2022-10-25

William Roberts 43

Repeatedly sexually assaulted the youngster over a period of around six months.

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Offender ID: O-2859


Alpha Street, Bootle, Merseyside, L21


A sex offender cried and told his victim he 'couldn't help it' after attacking her.

William Roberts repeatedly sexually assaulted the youngster over a period of around six months and told her on one occasion "I can't help it". Liverpool Crown Court heard yesterday, Monday, that the 42-year-old's crimes were discovered after he was taken to hospital due to concerns about his mental health and alcohol consumption.

While in hospital Roberts, of Alpha Street in Bootle, admitted his crimes to his sister and told her "I don't know what's real" and believed that his victim was plotting to kill him.

Peter Killen, prosecuting, said he confessed that he had "heard voices in his head telling him to touch" his victim over the previous eight months and admitted having done so. When police contacted the complainant, she confirmed that he had regularly touched her on the bottom and chest over her clothing.

The schoolgirl described one occasion in which she confronted him and he began crying. Roberts, who appeared via video link to HMP Altcourse, told her: "I can't help it."

Under interview after his arrest, he stated to officers that he had "been hearing voices in his head telling him to touch her". The defendant added: "I can't take it anymore."

Roberts "denied a sexual motive", but said that the girl was "beautiful" and "attractive". He had also heard "voices telling him to rape her, but he wouldn't do it".

A statement read to the court on behalf of the victim's mum said: "He took a happy teenager and destroyed her confidence. He broke her spirit.

"I will never recover from this, but we will slowly start to rebuild our lives. Our lives are devastated.

"We pray the court will ensure that he never has the opportunity to repeat this with another person. I really worry the abuse has left a mark on her."

Roberts, who has no previous convictions, admitted two counts of sexual assault. Recorder Ian Harris jailed him for three years and handed him a sexual harm prevention order, a notification requirement and a restraining order.

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