Durham 2015-09-28

Calvin Chapman 33

Serial abuser and rapist carried out a sustained sexual assault on a heavily pregnant woman.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2740


Kirkfield Gardens, Catchgate, Stanley, County Durham, DH9.


A MAN who carried out a sustained sexual assault on a heavily pregnant woman was today (Monday September 28) jailed for nine years.

Calvin John Chapman was made aware, during the ordeal, that his victim was in pain, but he continued with the attack, even seeking to blame the helpless woman.

Durham Crown Court heard that the victim was fearful of reporting the incident, and it was only the following day, when she told a friend, that she was urged to inform the police.

Chapman was subsequently arrested on suspicion of committing a series of sexual offences, all said to have been committed during the course of the incident.

He denied all the allegations and underwent a trial, at the court, in June.

Following the week-long hearing a jury found him guilty of two counts of rape, but cleared him of three other sexual offences, all stemming from the same incident.

Twenty-five-year-old Chapman, of Kirkfield Gardens, in Catchgate, near Stanley, was also convicted of dangerous driving, arising from an earlier incident in nearby Dipton.

The court was told that it was his first offence of a sexual nature, but he has a previous conviction for an incident of violence on a woman.

Recorder Jamie Hill, who presided over the trial, adjourned sentence to allow reports to be drawn up on Chapman by the Probation Service and a psychiatrist.

Having read those reports, he told todays sentencing hearing that the author of the probation report classed the defendant as a medium risk of committing further sexual harm, while the psychiatrist who examined Chapman, believed he just fell short of being suitable to qualify in the dangerousness category of offenders.

A victim statement read to the court by the victim, from behind a screen in the witness box, outlined the psychological harm she has suffered as a result of the attack, despite having tried to, put on a brave face, in the light of the incident.

Joe Hedworth, mitigating for Hill, questioned the extent of the psychological harm, and also the suggestion it was a prolonged incident, citing the jurys not guilty verdicts on three of the charges.

Passing sentence, Recorder Hill said in his mind it was a sustained attack.

Chapman was made subject of both registration as a sexual offender and a restraining order, forbidding him trying to make future contact with the victim, both indefinitely.

Following the hearing, the officer in the case, Detective Constable Kirsty Malone said: I would like to commend the victim for having the strength and courage to provide evidence."

*Help and support is available through www.sorrysnotenough.co.uk, or by contacting the confidential Harbour service, on (03000) 202525.

Alternatively, victims who feel unable to contact police, can still seek help by contacting The Meadows Sexual Assault Referral Centre, on 0191-301 8554, which provides a comprehensive service to residents of County Durham and Darlington who have been raped or sexually assaulted.

Their services are available to both sexes.

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