Surrey 2016-03-20

Neil Cameron 65

Convicted of sexually abusing three children under 10.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2709


Merstam, Redhill, Surrey, RH1


Top judges have refused to increase the jail term of a Merstham man who blighted the lives of three children, despite claims the sentence was “unduly lenient”.

Neil Hunter Cameron, 57, committed sex attacks on two young girls and showed an adult film to a teenage boy, whilst talking to him about “manly urges”.

Cameron, of Albury Road, pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual assault on a child under 13 and causing a child to watch a sexual act.

He was jailed for JUST 20 months at Guildford Crown Court on March 18.

That sentence was attacked yesterday as nowhere near tough enough by lawyers representing the Attorney General, Jeremy Wright QC.

Three senior judges at London’s Appeal Court heard Cameron groped one girl and kissed another, whilst making suggestive comments.

He showed the boy part of an 18 certificate “arthouse” film, portraying a sex scene between adults, and talked euphemistically about sex.

One victim complained to her family about what had happened to her and the police became involved.

Cameron then walked into his local police station and confessed to other sex crimes, which had gone undiscovered for almost a decade.

Lawyers for the Attorney General argued that Cameron had got off far too lightly for what he did to multiple victims.

But Cameron’s legal team urged a merciful course, saying he was sorry and that his brother had killed himself last week.

Lord Justice Davis, sitting with Mr Justice Jay and Judge Neil Ford QC, described it as a “sad case”.

“He has not sought to minimise his conduct. His expressions of remorse and shame were undeniably genuine and sincere,” he added.

“There was the fact of the voluntary confession to the police of the offences committed some years ago.”

Refusing to increase the sentence, Lord Justice Davis said: “What good would it do for this offender to spend but a few more months in prison?

“It would do no good. We are not prepared to interfere with the sentence imposed in this case.”

March 2016

Merstham man jailed for serious sexual offences against children.

A MERSTHAM man has been jailed for serious sexual offences against children.

Neil Cameron, 57, of Albury Road, appeared at Guildford Crown Court today and pleaded guilty to four offences which took place between 2006 and 2015. 

These included three counts of sexual assault touching a child under 12 years old and one count of causing a child to watch or look at an image of sexual activity.

Cameron was also given a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) for 10 years and been placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years.

Commenting after the sentencing, Detective Constable Jason Kelly of East Surrey Safeguarding Investigation Unit, said: “I am pleased that the custodial sentence will put this predatory man behind bars – I hope today’s court result will go some way to providing the victims with the strength to put these incidents behind them and move on with their lives.

“This outcome has been made possible thanks to their bravery and having the courage to come forward and report this man’s appalling behaviour.

“Any victim of a sexual offence is encouraged to come forward and report any similar incidents. Surrey Police has a dedicated team that specialises in investigating serious sexual offences and victims can be assured that their welfare will be our priority.”

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