Sheffield 2022-09-05

John Godbehere 53

Paedophile caught with over 40,000 indecent images of children.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2684


Broomhill, Sheffield, S10


A pervert who has been dubbed a monster was found by police to have had over 40,000 indecent images of children on a laptop and a phone but still managed to avoid a prison sentence

Sheffield Crown Court heard on September 5 how John Godbehere, aged 51, of Broomhill, Sheffield, had 44,852 indecent images of children on a laptop and 3,944 indecent images of children on a phone at his former family home in Sheffield.

The judge, Recorder Patrick Palmer, told Godbehere who works for the civil service : In December, 2020, you came to the attention of the authorities that images were being uploaded onto the internet from your address. Officers attended your address and found you there.

Recorder Palmer added the material included 44,852 still and moving images on a laptop and 3,944 still and moving images on a phone, all from categories A to C,

Godbehere and had also been having online discussions about sexual abusing and raping children with like-minded perverts.

Godbehere admitted three formal charges of making indecent images relating to categories A, B and C, with category A being the most serious, from between 2017 and 2020.

The defendant also admitted one count of distributing indecent images of a child.

Recorder Lambert told Godbehere: These are despicable and disgusting offences. Each and every one of those children are a genuine victim and that does not appear to have occurred to you until recently.

He highlighted aggravating factors as the pain and distress suffered by the youngsters in the images, the long period of offending, the high volume of images, and evidence that there had been efforts by Godbehere to hide the images with software.

But Recorder Palmer recognised Godbehere is of previous good character, is remorseful and he has done what he can to put this offending behind him.

He sentenced Godbehere to 16 months of custody suspended for two years with a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.

The defendant was also made subject to the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years and he was made the subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for the same period.

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