Basingstoke 2014-12-04

Dalton Joyce-Kent 28

Having sex with two teenage girls.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2600


Elderberry Bank, Lychpit, Basingstoke, RG24


A MANIPULATIVE 19-year-old has been jailed for four and a half years for having sex with two teenage girls in Didcot.

Dalton Joyce-Kent, of Elderberry Bank, Lychpit, Basingstoke, pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual activity with a child and two counts of breaching a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO).

Stephen Shay, prosecuting, said the defendant had been made subject to a SOPO for five years in January last year, banning him from unsupervised contact with children.

He told Judge Patrick Eccles at Oxford Crown Court the order was made after the teenager admitted one count of having sexual activity with a child. The barrister said he was also made subject to a 15-month suspended sentence order in October last year for making threats to kill.

Mr Shay said his latest offences, carried out against two 15-year-olds, who cannot be named for legal reasons, put Joyce-Kent in breach of both court orders.

He said the serial offender met up with one of the girls 13 or 14 times and they had sex in a wooded area in Didcot.

Thomas Evans, defending, said his client was immature and had had a very difficult upbringing, but had accepted his behaviour was wrong.

He said: He has talked to me about seeing violence his whole life, particularly towards his mother.

Judge Eccles said on Monday the teenager had wilfully and calculatedly breached his SOPO and in his view was a dangerous offender.

He sentenced him to 54 months in prison, of which he will spend at least two thirds in custody, with an extra three years on licence.

Joyce-Kent will also have to pay a 120 victims surcharge.

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