Cardiff 2022-08-22

Joshua Carney 30

Raped mother and 14-year-old daughter.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2552


Rumney, Cardiff


A "sadistic" burglar who raped a mother and her 14-year-old daughter was told his crimes were "horrific" and "the stuff of nightmares" as he was jailed for at least 10 years.

Joshua Carney, 28, had been released from prison only five days earlier when he carried out his attacks at 6.45am on 1 March.

High on the drug spice, he tried the handle and the letterbox on the victims' front door, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

The sound alerted the mother, who had been getting ready for work as her daughter slept upstairs.

She stepped out into the street and saw Carney, barefoot, hiding around the side of her Cardiff house.

As she backed towards her front door, Carney asked her to call him a taxi before forcing his way into her home and locking himself inside.

He then punched her repeatedly in the face before raping her in her living room.

"The defendant told the victim: 'Stop f****** screaming or I am going to stab you'," Ieuan Bennett, for the prosecution, said.

"She at that point didn't know if the defendant was armed or not and became very concerned she and her daughter were going to end up seriously injured, if not killed, by the defendant."

The teenager called the police when she heard her mother being attacked, telling the call handler she believed her mum had been stabbed.

Carney then tried to break into the girl's room, before her mother told her to open it, fearing they both might be murdered if they did not comply with his wishes.

Taking the younger victim's phone, Carney realised she must have called the police.

He then raped both victims in the mother's room and violently sexually assaulted the girl.

When Carney tried to leave the property by the front he was confronted by police cars.

Fearing a hostage situation, the mother offered to show him out of the back door and unlock the back gate, where he was immediately arrested.

Carney was taken to hospital and told police he had no memory of what had happened.

While in custody, he told officers: "Those f****** little sluts probably called me into their house."

He later added: "When will the swabs be coming back because my memory is starting to come back? I'm innocent so obviously it's going to be proved."

Carney later pleaded guilty to six counts of rape, one count of attempted rape and two counts of assault by penetration.

He further admitted two counts of causing actual bodily harm and committing an offence with intent to commit a sexual offence - that is, the theft of the daughter's phone.

In statements read to the court, the victims said they had suffered nightmares and insomnia and had left their neighbourhood.

Both said they felt guilty about being unable to prevent each other being attacked.

Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke jailed Carney for life with a minimum of 10 years.

She told him the attack was "deliberately sadistic and no doubt done to satisfy your perverted sexual desires and your abusive sexual remarks are indicative of your attitude - one of the rapes was punishment for phoning the police".

The judge acknowledged that Carney was under the influence of drugs, but said his actions - such as locking the front door and taking the daughter's phone - indicated "you were very much in control of what you were doing and your actions were thought through".

"Your offending on that day was horrific, it was the stuff of nightmares," she said.

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