Middlesbrough 2022-08-17

Daryl Stokes 43

Sex offender had paedophile manual on how to abuse children without their mums finding out.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2503


Springfield Road, Whinney Banks, Middlesbrough, TS5


A pervert was caught with a digital paedophile manual advising readers on how to abuse children of different ages; and how to avoid detection by their mothers.

Daryl Stokes, 41, was paid a visit at his Middlesbrough home by police after they'd received intelligence about his online use. When they told Stokes that they were going to carry out a thorough search, he admitted he had an undeclared mobile phone in his loft.

Stokes had been released from prison in August 2021 after being jailed for earlier offences of making indecent images of children. He was given a 17-month sentence in December 2020, and was released under supervision and under a sexual harm prevention order - meaning he had to declare all of his online devices to his offender manager and had restrictions on his internet use.

But on Friday August 27, 2021, police uncovered hours of graphic video footage showing young children being sexually abused on Stokes' online devices. Judge Anthony James Brown said they showed distressing clips of babies and children as young as six.

Prosecutor Christopher Baker told Teesside Crown Court on Tuesday that the online paedophile manual that was found contained a four-minute slide show with graphic content on how to abuse children of different age groups, and also contained details of how to avoid mothers detecting such horrific abuse.

Stokes was also caught with:

- 574 of the most serious category A images, which included 211 videos showing 42 hours of footage.

- 1,500 category B images, which included 51 videos showing seven hours of footage.

- 1,843 category C images, which included 62 videos showing nine hours of footage.

Stokes' phone also showed that he had opened accounts on Twitter and Discord under the name "Ben P"; he had a Google Cloud account and was using private browser software - all of which broke the terms of his sexual harm prevention order.

Stokes, of Springfield Road, Whinney Banks, Middlesbrough, who has one previous conviction for making indecent images of children, pleaded guilty to:

- three counts of making indecent images of children,

- six counts of the breach of a sexual harm prevention order,

- possession of the paedophile manual.

Robert Mochrie, mitigating, said his client "had been candid to this extent - that he has a sexual interest in children. He found himself trawling the internet and delving into dark corners of it where he ought not to go.

"It's clear that the defendant needs help - hopefully he will get that, all be it in a custodial setting."

Mr Mochrie said that Stokes' cited his failed marriage as an explanation for his behaviour.

Judge Anthony James Brown told Stokes: "The sexual harm prevention order was put in place when you committed similar offences in 2020. It is clear to me that you were fully aware of the terms of your sexual harm prevention order when you were released from prison.

"You have breached the order in an utterly calculated way. The category A images depicted children as young as six...with the most appalling degradation inflicted upon them and abuse that was physically painful to them.

"To cap it all - the digital paedophile manual. It's hard to fathom the level of depravity required to create such a publication. I regard you, I'm afraid, as a committed paedophile."

The judge jailed Stokes for five-years-and three-months and made him subject to notification requirements and an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

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