Lancashire 2022-08-17

Sean Collins 60

Serial rapist who groomed a schoolgirl before going onto sexually abuse her.

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Offender ID: O-2502


Lancashire, Burnley, BB10-BB12


A serial rapist who groomed a schoolgirl before going onto sexually abuse her in Burnley has been given a further 12 years in custody.

Shaun Collins, formerly known as Shaun Greenwood, is already serving a life sentence after being convicted of three separate rape offences against three different victims in 2006.

After reading about Collins conviction, a fourth victim wrote a letter to a now retired Lancashire Police Detective Sergeant in 2006 outlining how her life had been affected by the defendants sexual offending, but at that time she was not ready to make a formal complaint.

In 2020 the victim, now in her 50s, was recontacted by the police where it was established that Collins, who used to perform as a busker in Burnley, had raped her on more than one occasion when she was under the age of 16.

Such was the impact on the victim, she had to seek counselling years after the attack due to ongoing nightmares.

Collins, 58, of no fixed address, was charged with rape but denied any wrongdoing.

He was found guilty of rape following a trial at Burnley Crown Court, and appeared at the court today (August 17) to be sentenced for 11 counts of rape and one count of indecent assault.

Collins was told that he would have to serve two thirds of the 12-year sentence before he is eligible to go before the Parole Board, where he will have to demonstrate that he no longer poses a risk to the public or will remain in jail.

DC Kyle Hazelaar, of the East MOSOVO (Management of Sexual or Violent Offender) Team, said: Collins is a dangerous individual who carried out a sickening campaign of sexual violence against women over many years. I am pleased he has had his time in custody increased.

Not only did he carry out these appalling crimes for his own perverted sexual motives, he also made the victim re-live her ordeal by having to give evidence. She has shown incredible bravery in the case and I want to place on record my admiration for the incredible bravery she has shown throughout this process.

Collins carried out his abuse over several decades and I am convinced there could be more victims who have not yet come forward. I would encourage anyone who has been the victim of a sexual offence to make contact with the police knowing they will be listened to and believed. No matter how historic the case may be, we will investigate it and do everything in our power to put the perpetrator before the courts.

In a statement, the victim said: First, I would like to commend Detective Constables Treena Peel and Kyle Hazelaar of Lancashire Police. They have supported me throughout this process from the early stages of the investigation right through to the conclusion of the trial. They have been a huge source of support and I could not have wished for more. Secondly, I would like to implore any victim of sexual violence or abuse, whether recent or historic, to come forward to report the crimes against you to seek justice. I never imagined I would have my case heard and believed after more than three decades.

Collins has previously been ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

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