Derby 2022-08-18

Abubaker Mubiru 29

Sexually assaulted women.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2501


No fixed address.


A man who groped a woman and told her "I want to feel your f***y up" was found looking dishevelled and asking strangers for food at East Midlands Airport in the early hours of the morning. Abubaker Mubiru had only been bailed at Southern Derbyshire Magistrates' Court hours before he was spotted in the departure lounge on Tuesday (August 16).

On that earlier occasion he had pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a total stranger when she was on a night out with friends in Derby city centre. The 27-year-old's sentencing date had been set for later this month and the defendant was released from custody.

But the same court was told that within hours he had broken his bail conditions. Peter Bettany, prosecuting, said: "He was released on bail and he was simply not wanted at his previous accommodation.

"And at 3.45am (on Tuesday, August 16), officers at East Midlands Airport were called over to the passenger departure board because somebody, this defendant, was acting in a strange way. This defendant was found asleep on a bench in the hall looking dishevelled having been asking people for food.

"He was not travelling (anywhere), gave his details to an officer and said he was wanted for breach of bail and so was arrested." Solicitor Nick Wenden, who just the day before had represented Mubira at his previous hearing, told the court: "He has refused to speak to me and the mental health team at all."

District Judge Andrew Meaching asked Mubiru: "I dealt with you yesterday and now you don't want to speak to him (Mr Wenden)?" The defendant replied: "Yeah."

The judge said: "The situation I find myself in is whether to put you into custody until the end of August (when Mubiru is due to be sentenced)." Mubiru replied: "No, thank you."

Judge Meachin said: "Would you like me to keep you in prison?" He replied: "No, thank you."

The judge asked: "Would you like to speak to your solicitor now?" The defendant said: "Yes please."

But after being given the opportunity to speak to Mr Wenden, the judge decided to remand Mubiru into custody. Monday's earlier hearing was told how on the evening of the offence, Mubiru walked over to the victim and told her "I want to feel your f***y up" before grabbing her crotch.

Freddie Sail, prosecuting, said the sexual offence took place in Friar Gate on May 28, this year. He said the victim was out with two friends and as they were walking down the street they saw Mubiru urinating against the wall of a public house. The prosecutor said: "The defendant then came over to the group and said to the victim 'I want to feel your f***y up' and used his left hand to touch her intimate area and squeezed it. She did not consent to him touching her intimate area and used some expletives and said she was going to call the police.

"He responded by getting in the face of one of her friends puffing his chest out. He was still urinating on the floor as he walked in her direction making the girls feel very uncomfortable and made a grab towards one of the friend's intimate areas." Mr Sail said the police arrived and arrested Mubira and took him into custody. He said: "There was one significant comment he made to the police when he asked them if there was any CCTV of the incident. When he was told there wasn't he said he was not going to say anything."

Mubira, of no fixed address but who is currently being housed by the local authority at a hotel in Derby city centre, pleaded guilty to sexual assault. The hearing was told he has seven previous convictions for 12 offences but nothing of a sexual nature. Mr Wenden, mitigating on Monday, said between the offence in May and this week's court hearing, his client had spent time in a secure unit having been sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

He said: "He has nothing of a similar nature (on his criminal record) and it is quite out of character for him. He was drunk at the time and that is what caused him to act in this way and there has been no repeat of this kind of behaviour since."

Judge Meachin told the defendant he must sign on the sex offender register, the length of which will be determined at the sentencing hearing on August 31.

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