Sunderland 2022-08-15

Peter Anderson 32

Raped and abused two vulnerable victims.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2485


Easington Lane, Houghton-le-Spring, Sunderland, DH5


A dangerous 'monster' who raped and abused two vulnerable victims has been jailed for life.

Peter Anderson subjected the young women to shocking sex attacks and his victims suffered degrading abuse at his hands. The 30-year-old pervert, of Easington Lane, Houghton-le-Spring, who has 11 previous convictions, including for assault, was convicted of 13 offences.

In relation to the first victim, he was found guilty of two counts of rape, sexual activity with a child, blackmail, false imprisonment and controlling or coercive behaviour. In relation the second victim, he was convicted of four counts of rape, a sexual assault, causing a person to engage in sexual activity and controlling coercive behaviour.

Both victims outlined the severe trauma they endured at his hands, with one of them branding him a "monster" and a judge calling him "an extremely dangerous man". He must serve at least 14 years of the life sentence before he can be considered for parole and will be on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

The first girl, who he first kissed when she was 15, said in a victim impact statement read to Newcastle Crown Court: "Before (this) I was a fun and outgoing young lady, a child. I was absolutely terrified of him.

"I would frequently wake up during the night screaming. I've had repeated nightmares - one I can't forget of him trying to force entry by trying to smash the door. I know it's a nightmare but it's so vivid it feels like a memory.

"He still plagues me in my sleep and I fear this will last the rest of my life. I feel anger at the thought of what one person can do to another."

The second victim said: "I went from an outgoing independent young lady to a shell of my former self. I was terrified of him. The effects are going to last a lifetime.

"I have trouble sleeping and I feel worthless." She added that the trauma left her suicidal.

Sentencing Anderson, Judge Julie Clemitson said: "At trial you represented yourself. You clearly demonstrated repeatedly to be narcissistic, paranoid, domineering and manipulative.

"You adopted one persona in front of the jury and quite another when they were not in the room. You tried to shout me down and lost your temper one time when I tried to speak to (the prosecutor).

"You demonstrated a complete lack of empathy towards (the victims), showing a callous disregard to both of them. You demonstrated how domineering you could be during your evidence. You walked back to the dock making v-signs to the public gallery.

"You conducted your case with breathtaking arrogance, even asking for feedback on your cross-examination of one witness. You displayed absolutely no remorse but in fact demonstrated an arrogant, entitled attitude to them and those who supported them.

"You made various allegations of misconduct towards various professionals involved in the case."

Judge Clemitson added: "You pose a significant risk of causing serious harm in the future to members of the public. You have shown now insight into your own culpability or the harm you have caused and you appear to have an unflappable belief in your own superiority.

"You are very clearly a dangerous offender. It's likely you will pose a serious risk to others indefinitely."

The judge praised the courage of the victims, saying: "Peter Anderson is an extremely dangerous man who has been brought to justice and the public are going to be kept safe for a lengthy period of time as a result of the courage shown by (the victims).

"He is the most difficult person I have dealt with in 30 years in the criminal justice system."

Peter Schofield, defending, said: "It's right to observe Mr Anderson has strong views about his case. Much of what is contended, he does not accept.

"He has not received a custodial sentence previously. He needs specialist help for his personality disorder. He worked for Nissan for more than a year in the past."

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