West Sussex 2022-08-09

Jordan Croft 28

Blackmailed girls as young as 12 into becoming sex slaves.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2430


Worthing, West Sussex


A self-professed paedophile who blackmailed dozens of girls as young as 12 into becoming his 'sex slaves' today pleaded guilty to his crimes.

Jordan Croft, 26, of West Sussex, forced his victims to perform sexual and degrading acts on themselves and other children as part of his depraved desires.

Croft was caught after he was linked to 20 different online profiles in which he would intimidate victims aged between 12 and 22 before coercing them into his 'contract of sexual slavery'.

Once online Croft would weave his web of deceit, conning victims into believing he was a teenage boy so he could befriend them before confessing he was a much older 'catfish' who was 'into girls aged 12-14'.

He would then demand his 26 different victims to send him increasingly graphic child sexual abuse images and videos on demand.

On just one messaging platform he contacted more than 5,000 people, and would label the abuse the children sent him with a list of their social media followings, in addition to their names and ages.

Croft's stash was even designed to cover his traces, with all content uploaded to a USB device he owned being programmed to ensure activity was deleted once plugged into a computer.

He today pleaded guilty to 65 counts which include inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, blackmail, intentionally causing the sexual exploitation of a child.

Croft will appear before Lewes Crown Court for sentencing on Thursday, November 10.

One of Croft's rules was that all victims must speak to him on Telegram, an encrypted platform, and send him any photographs or videos he requested.

He would first ask for a naked 'custom pic' that he would decide on, and use that to leverage increasingly depraved and graphic content.

Croft would request images and videos were sent in a very short timeframe, further dominating them by forcing them to ask permission to go to the toilet and inform him when they would be busy, so he didn't think they were ignoring him.

Numerous police forces had filed reports of online abuse connected to Croft.

Once they identified him as the paedophile behind multiple usernames, they arrested him in September 2019, seizing two mobile phones and a USB stick.

The messaging applications were on an encrypted side of both phones where Croft collected the vile material from his child victims.

Even more content was discovered on the USB stick which was programmed to ensure all traces of activity were deleted after it was plugged into the computer.

Croft's charges include multiple counts of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, blackmail, making unwarranted demands for indecent images of children, intentionally causing or inciting the sexual exploitation of a child.

He was also charged with making more than 900 indecent images of children in categories A-C. Category A images are the most obscene, with a minimum of six years imprisonment for making them.

Martin Ludlow, senior investigating officer at the National Crime Agency, who led the investigation, said: 'Jordan Croft is a prolific offender who has caused heart-breaking suffering to many victims and their families.

'The sexual depravity he consistently displayed during this abuse of both young female children and adults is horrific.

'Like many offenders Croft thrived on the power he was able to exert over the victims. He sought the feeling of control and obtained it by deceit and abuse.

'He showed no compassion for the victims, pushing them to breaking point and issuing threats, even when they begged him to stop.

'I commend these young women who have shown such bravery in speaking out against him.

'Croft is an example of an adult sexual offender who deploys plausible online profiles to hide their real identity and exploit children.

'We know children are increasingly sharing personal material on social media sites, but I urge them be aware of the hurt and long term damage manipulative offenders like Croft cause, and to think carefully about who they may be communicating with online.

'The NCA will continue to pursue the most serious offenders, including those who believe they can hide behind the anonymity of the internet to abuse children. Like Croft they will be brought to justice.'

Heather Wilkinson of the CPS said: 'Croft admitted to sexually abusing 26 people and actively sought victims as young as 12 to sexually abuse and exert power over.

'Although he attempted to hide his activity through private networks, evidence uncovered against him included age filters he set on a phone app and the controlling rules he shared.

'This guilty plea means the victims of his abuse will now not be forced to re-live their trauma through a trial.

'Our Organised Child Sexual Abuse Unit has specialist prosecutors to enable us to bring offenders like Croft to justice, helping stop online abuse and extortion, and its devastating impact on victims.'

Croft today pleaded guilty to all 65 counts at Lewes Crown Court and is due back at court for sentencing on 10 November.

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