Manchester 2022-07-30

Nigel Gardiner 44

Molested girl shared vile images of children on WhatsApp and had ‘fantasy chats’ with other paedophiles.

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Offender ID: O-2394


Heywood, Greater Manchester, Rochdale


A pervert shared vile images of children on WhatsApp and Kik and had fantasy chats with other paedophiles about abusing children - months after molesting a girl. Nigel Gardiner, 42, was found with 239 indecent images of children on his phone after police executed a search warrant.

Some of the horrendous images depicted children as young as three-months-old being sexually abused, Minshull Street Crown Court heard. Further analysis of his phone showed he had shared some of the images with contacts on messaging apps and had fantasy discussions about what he wanted to do to the children.

Following the discovery of the images, he was found to have sexually assaulted a young girl.

Gardiner initially pleaded guilty to eight offences of possessing and distributing indecent images and further offences of assault occasioning actual bodily harm against his former partner. He later pleaded guilty to sexual assault of a child after they had already been cross examined during a Section 28 hearing.

Today (July 29) he was jailed for eight-and-a-half years and put onto the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Prosecuting, Geoff Whelan said police received information that Gardiner possessed indecent images and carried out a search warrant at his house in Heywood. He wasnt present at the time, but they later found him at his place of work where they seized his phone and analysed it, and he subsequently admitted possession of the images.

Police recovered 83 category A images - said to be the worst type, 51 category B images and 70 category C images, as well as extreme pornographic images and prohibited images of children.

The age of the children depicted in the images ranged from six to 17-years-old, Mr Whelan said. Some of the images were sent to 41 contacts on Kik and three contacts on WhatsApp.

After discovery of the images, it came to light that he had sexually abused a girl. The court also heard that he had headbutted his ex-partner and bitten her following two separate arguments.

Gardiner was said to have previous convictions, including for an offence of battery. Mitigating, Betsy Hindle said that her client struggled with drug and alcohol addiction and said he previously couldnt remember a time when he was clean.

He believes drugs led him to do what he did, she said. There is sincere remorse and he takes full responsibility. The presentence report indicates a lack of ability to deal with personal circumstances.

Sentencing, Recorder Mark Rhind QC said: Some time after the sexual assault, you engaged in discussions which have been described as fantasy with other perverted men relating to the sexual abuse of children.

You sent a picture of a child to them and discussed what they might do and what you might do. The sexual assault was not some sort of drunk incident which you do not remember, this was you acting on your sexual attraction to children.

If you had any remorse for what you did, you would have admitted it far sooner.

Gardiner, of Tonge Street, was jailed for eight-and-a-half years, made subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and must sign onto the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely.

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