Denbighshire 2016-11-10

Jack Williams 26

Teenager brutally raped a woman in her 60s on beach.

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Offender ID: O-2373


Mount Road, Rhyl, Wales, LL18


Jack Williams, 19, of Mount Road admitted kidnapping the woman, holding her against her will on the beach and inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent

A woman in her 60s was beaten and brutally raped on a beach by a teenager who was high on drink and drugs.

The victim, who suffered serious injuries, believed she was about to be killed, Mold Crown Court heard.

Jack Williams, 19, of Mount Road in Rhyl , admitted kidnapping the woman, holding her against her will on the beach, and inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent.

He also pleaded guilty to three charges of rape during the attack on August 27.

The teenager was sentenced to 12 years detention, of which he must serve two-thirds, with an additional two years on licence.

Williams was also ordered to register with the police as a sex offender for life.

A 10-year restraining order was made not to approach the victim or enter the town where she lives.

Before sentence was passed a victim impact statement the woman was read out to the court.

She said: My life has changed and I honestly feel it will never be the same for me or my family again. This horrendous experience will only end when I am in the grave.

The woman said she was scared of going out alone, felt vulnerable and in a panic, did not feel safe and was not sure if she would ever feel safe again.

The victim said she was tearful most days, it had affected her and her family, and she had vivid flashbacks and could see his face.

I remember the feeling of being powerless. I thought I was going to die that day, she said.

I did survive but I feel a life sentence has been imposed upon me because of the changes in my life.

The scars would never go away, she said.

Andrew Green, prosecuting, said the victim left her home at about 4.40am to walk her dog.

Near a railway station she noticed Williams who was drinking out of a bottle or can.

He asked her the time before following and attacked her.

Mr Green said: The defendant put his arm across her neck and face and she felt that he had a vice-like grip on her.

She said that she could hardly breathe and was not able to shout or scream.

Williams started raising his voice. She was petrified and did not struggle because he was so strong and she knew that she would not be able to run away from him.

At this point she honestly believed that he was going to strangle her, Mr Green said.

Williams pushed her to the ground causing a head injury.

He then pulled her to her feet and she remembers seeing blood down the front of her clothing, he said.

It was difficult for her to see her attackers face because he had his hood up but from time to time he pulled it down and told her not to look at him.

The victim was pulled up a concrete slope onto the pebbled side of the beach and he told her: When I have finished with you, you are going to end up in the sea.

The woman asked him what his mother would have thought of what he was doing but he ignored her and began the sex attack.

He kicked her dog and told her to let it go, which she did.

Throughout the ordeal she believed she might be killed at any point, said Mr Green.

Fortunately she saw a passer-by and told her attacker, who ran off as she screamed for help.

She was assisted by the passer-by who described how she was completely distraught.

The woman was left feeling dirty, filthy and drained.

She was left with serious injuries including a fractured eye socket, lacerations, bruising and scratches.

Williams was arrested nearby at 6.30am.

He said he had been drinking and taking drugs at a friends house, and was dropped off at the station intending to go to Manchester but was told to get off at the next station because he did not have a ticket.

Williams denied being responsible for the attack.

Matthew Curtis, defending, said it was a terrible crime by an immature and emotionally damaged young man who had been neglected as a child.

He could not believe what he had done, was outraged by his actions and the distress he had caused the victim.

Judge Rhys Rowlands said anyone who saw photographs taken of the woman after her ordeal would be "incensed and extremely angry" that anyone could inflict such serious injuries on a woman of that age.

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