Barnsley 2022-07-22

Robert Denny 39

Sexually assaulted a “particularly vulnerable” victim at his home.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2320


Bondfield Crescent, Wombwell, Barnsley, S73


AN SEX offender was jailed after a court how he sexually assaulted a particularly vulnerable victim at his home.

Robert Denny (pictured), of Bondfield Crescent, Wombwell, will serve 14 months in jail for preying on a girl who visited his house in July 2020.

Judge David Dixon told Sheffield Crown Court the victim had gone to Dennys house with her friends for what she thought it was going to be a celebratory event.

The judge added the victim had been wearing loose-fitting clothing because she had a fake tan on and Denny (37), seen an opportunity.

The judge said: You took advantage of her.

You preyed on this woman by touching her inappropriately.

You were squeezing her bottom in an inappropriate way.

You then took it further and picked her up and touched her bottom with two hands, and then ran your hand up to her breasts.

She was particularly vulnerable.

Judge Dixon said the ordeal had had a huge impact on the victim.

Denny was convicted of three counts of sexual assault.

He was sentenced to 12 months for one offence, a further two months for the second and a concurrent sentence of one month for the third.

Judge Dixon also issued a sexual harm prevention order and a restraining order banning Denny from contacting the victim.

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