Eastleigh 2012-11-15

Stuart Bowman

Convicted of rape and false imprisonment of a woman.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2317


Oakmount Road, Chandler's Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53


A DISTRAUGHT childs revelation to school staff triggered a major police investigation that has led to a jobless Chandlers Ford man being jailed for ten years.

The girl, who became so upset during a lesson she had to be taken out of class by a teaching assistant, disclosed how she had been repeatedly sexually abused.

Southampton Crown Court heard that, suspecting his abuse had been discovered, Stuart Bowman took an overdose of tablets and was treated in hospital.

Bowman, 38, of Oakmount Road, Chandlers Ford, was convicted of rape and false imprisonment of a woman, which he had denied. He admitted two charges of causing actual bodily harm and committing three sex offences against the girl.

The youngster told police his abuse had also led her to self harming and thinking of killing herself. She added: I am happy now he cant harm me anymore.

Judge Gary Burrell QC told Bowman he considered him a dangerous offender and a high risk of causing harm to children. He was placed on the sex offenders register for life and under the terms of a sexual offences prevention order, is banned from having unsupervised access to girls under 16. He was also given a three-year extended sentence.

The judge said his offending had been committed against a rising use of amphetamine.

In mitigation, James Newton-Price said Bowman recognised his abuse of the girl was immoral and repugnant, and he had shown an insight into the impact of his behaviour.

Wiping tears from his eyes, Bowman heard the barrister add he had destroyed his relationship with his children.

After the case one of his victims described Bowman as an evil monster.

Speaking to the Daily Echo said she was pleased to see him jailed as it marked the closure of an horrific episode in her life.

I feel I can move on now knowing he is behind bars and get on with my life with my family, said the woman.

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