Littlehampton 2014-05-04

Mark Loten 61

Two indecent assaults and the rape of a woman known to him.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2308


Dorset Close, Littlehampton, BN17


Mark Loten, 51, now of Dorset Close, was found guilty at Lewes Crown Court on Thursday, of two indecent assaults and the rape of a woman known to him at another address in Littlehampton in 1991.

He was sentenced to two years for one of the assaults, three years for the second assault and to six years for rape. All three sentences will run concurrently.

In an exclusive interview with the Gazette, his victim who for legal reasons cannot be identified said the past 23 years since suffering the abuse had been a living hell.

She said: What he did to me is something that I will never forget.

It has been really hard to get over. I felt like I had no one to turn to and it has been something that has been with me for 23 years.

But it is such a relief to finally have this off my chest and to finally have justice done.

Lotens victim said she plucked up the courage to approach police following the recent rise in historic sex cases coming to court, nationally.

She is now encouraging other people who have been victims of abuse to speak to police.

Its never too late for people to come forward, she said. Theres a lot of people out there who have been abused.

It is hard talking about it to police. But they are very understanding and supportive. I couldnt recommend it more.

Sussex Police said Lotens crimes were only reported to the force in 2012.

Detectives carried out a thorough investigation to achieve justice for the 51-year-olds victim, a spokesman said.

The spokesman added: It shows that we will always take such reports seriously no matter how long ago they happened.

The victim was supported by ourselves and appropriate welfare and counselling through the case and her evidence was key in securing Lotens conviction.

Lotens victim said she can now move on with her life.

The memories of what he did will always be with me but now I can move on and get on with my life. For me, justice has been done.

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