Newport 2022-07-14

James Brum 40

Paedophile bought lingerie for schoolgirl he groomed.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2304


Llanthewy Road, Newport, South Wales, NP20


A PAEDOPHILE groomed a schoolgirl before going on to abuse her after asking her to wear lingerie while having underage sex.

James Brum, 39, from Newport, was condemned as selfish and self-centred for having abused the girl.

He had intercourse with her on seven occasions and told her after the first time: You really wanted it.

The defendant would manipulate his victim and said to her that she was in his secret club.

Brum would also ask the girl to send him nude photos of her, Cardiff Crown Court heard.

Rachel Knight, prosecuting, said: The defendant groomed his victim.

He bought lingerie for her to wear during their encounters.

She would wear these at his request.

You used her to satisfy your sexual urges

The victims impact statement was read out in which she said: I have flashbacks to the events that happened.

He targeted me specifically for his sexual desires.

I feel uncomfortable around men now.

Nothing will change what James Brum has done to me and hes had a huge impact on my future.

He has stolen my childhood from me and he has stolen my virginity.

Brum pleaded guilty to seven counts of sexual activity with a child, two of causing a child to engage in sexual activity and one of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

He was a man of previous good character with no convictions recorded against him.

Gareth Williams, mitigating, asked the court to take into account his clients guilty pleas.

His barrister said: The defendant hasnt contested matters at trial and admitted what the victim said was true.

He didnt deny what was going on.

The evidence was overwhelming.

He is sorry for what happened.

Judge Michael Fitton QC told Brum: This was an appalling campaign of sexual abuse.

You are a profoundly selfish and self-centred man.

You used that child to satisfy your own sexual urges.

This is a classic case of grooming.

Brum, of Llanthewy Road, Newport, was jailed for eight years.

The defendant will have to serve two-thirds of that sentence in custody before being released on licence.

He will have to register as a sex offender for life and was made the subject of an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

Brum must also pay a victims surcharge after his release from prison.

After sentencing, the officer in charge of the case, Detective Sergeant Mike Patterson said: The victim in this case has been incredibly brave throughout.

It is their courage and strength that has ultimately led to the conviction of Brum who will now be sentenced for these horrific crimes.

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