Cornwall 2022-03-11

Richard James 59

Raped young girl when he was a teenager.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2202


Radnor Road, Scorrier, Redruth, Cornwall, TR16


Richard James was found guilty of four incidents of rape, as well as indecency with a child and indecent assault

A 57-year-old man from Cornwall who raped a young girl when he was a teenager has been sent to jail.

Richard James, of Radnor Road in Scorrier, was found guilty of indecency with a child, indecent assault and four incidents of rape between April 1979 and April 1981.

He appeared at Truro Crown Court for sentence today.

A victim personal statement was read out in court, explaining how the assaults changed the victim's life.

The court heard how the woman - who cannot be named for legal reasons - became shy and started to have nightmares.

"It felt like I had all this anger inside me that I needed to get out," her statement read.

James' victim went on to explain that she has had sexual issues with her partners ever since and that, when she eventually came forward on Christmas Day 2019, she felt really embarrassed and ashamed of herself.

"I believe this has really ripped my family apart," she added.

Prosecuting the case, Mary McCarthy also added that James once threatened to kill his victim if she did not comply.

Representing James, Piers Noseworthy said that the father-of-two has not offended since.

"He's a very different person now," he said. "All offending occurred when he himself was a child."

"He's had an exemplary conduct since."

The court was told how James has been suffering with serious medical problems for the last 10 years and has mobility issues.

Sentencing, Recorder Simon Levene said he took into account James' age and maturity at the time of the offence, evidence of good character since, as well as his health issues when considering what sentence would be appropriate.

"Although your age between the first and last date of the indictment spans between 14 years and almost 18 years, I shouldn't treat you like someone with the maturity of an 18-year-old," he said. "But the younger you were, the younger your victim was.

"I accept that there was a degree of immaturity on your part.

"I certainly think you were old enough and mature enough to know that what you were doing was wrong. After all, your victim was suffering and you threatened to kill her if she told anybody - not every time, I accept. It shows you knew you would be in trouble if it ever came out.

"To her credit, she has gone on to have a successful career. She has managed to function in society but it's quite clear from what she said in the victim impact statement that was read out today she has suffered lifelong from what you did to her.

"If you had been an adult at the time that you committed these offences the sentence would have been one of eight years of imprisonment. I reduce that to five years because of the age that you were at the time that you committed these offences. I then consider the aggravating factors and I move the sentence up to one of six years of imprisonment.

"Finally, I take into account the mitigation that I have. You have kept out of trouble for 40 years, but for me, the most important point, is that you are very poorly."

Recorder Levene proceeded to sentence James to four-and-a-half years of imprisonment.

James will have to continually update his personal details including his address with the police.

A restraining order was also made. James cannot contact directly and indirectly three named individuals until further notice.

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