Somerset 2022-07-05

Christopher Reynolds 62

Former DJ committed a string of sex offences after grooming two underage girls.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2155


Poplar Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA1


A SEX offender released early from prison for good behaviour is back behind bars after breaching the terms of his parole.

The precise reason for 60-year-old former Taunton DJ Christopher Reynolds's recall to prison has not been revealed.

But he may now have to complete his six-year sentence imposed in April 2019 at Taunton Crown Court.

He could only be released before his licence ends in March 2025 if agreed by the Parole Board.

Reynolds, who committed the offences after grooming two girls aged 12 and 14 around 30 years ago, only admitted his guilt after putting them through the trauma of two trials.

One of his victims this week told the County Gazette: "A leopard doesn't change its spots.

"It's unknown why he's back in prison. It's possible he might have to complete the rest of his sentence in jail."

Reynolds, who worked in clubs and on Apple FM radio and the former Taunton TV and was also known as Chris Young, was found guilty of seven indecent assaults and received three six-year terms in jail, three three-year stretches and one 12-month sentence, all concurrent.

He must sign the Sex Offenders' Register for life and has a 20-year restraining order banning him from contacting his victims.

During his trial, the 14-year-old victim said he "manipulated my mind and made me feel special and wanted".

But her "dirty secret" made her feel "worthless".

"I felt ashamed and disgusted," she said and since Reynolds' crimes have come to light she has cried every day.

"The demons have come out but never left me," she said.

His other victim met Reynolds at "a low point in my life" and viewed him as her "saviour" who "felt like my only friend, a father figure".

She said: "I looked forward to him texting me and meeting up with me, but he was just grooming me for his own gains."

She had recently established contact with her father, who had hardly previously figured in her life and was dying of cancer at the time.

She added: "He robbed my teenage years and took away my only chance to have a short relationship with my dad."

Reynolds' behaviour led to her self-harming, taking drugs and alcohol and considering suicide.

The judge told Reynolds, who was married with children: "You no doubt regarded yourself as something of a local celebrity."

The judge added: "You have an unhealthy interest in young girls."

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