Cornwall 2022-06-30

Jacob Blow

Magician raped and sexually abused a young girl.

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Offender ID: O-2135


Threemilestone, Cornwall


A magician faces many years behind bars after being convicted of raping and sexually abusing a young girl when he was a teenager. Jacob Blow, 31, is in poor health and currently undergoing dialysis treatment but was convicted by a jury of a total of four charges after a trial that lasted weeks.

Blow, from Threemilestone near Truro, has been on trial at Truro Crown Court charged with four counts of rape, attempted rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault. Cornwall Live reported last week how following a lengthy period of jury deliberation he was found guilty of two rapes and sexual assault. Blow was found not guilty of two further rapes.

Due to legal strikes and Blows dialysis treatment, the jury had to wait a week to reconvene and continue deliberations on the two outstanding counts, before this afternoon (Thursday June 30), convicting the defendant of the remaining charges of assault by penetration and attempted rape.

Blow, who was in some discomfort at the verdicts were read out, had his sentencing set for a date in August. Debating whether or not to bail Blow until then or immediately remand him into custody, Judge Anna Richardson said that although Blow has known since the first guilty verdicts a week ago that he faces jail, he still turned up as instructed today. She added that there are no grounds to believe he wont turn up for sentencing or that he will offend again given how long it is since his offending and that it relates to a single victim.

The first rape involved Blow kissing the complainant, pulling down her under garments, touching her sexually and then raping her.

Prosecutor Bathsheba Cassel said: She went on to tell the police the rapes were frequent and she would be raped once or twice a week.

The jury was told that the complainant first contacted police more than a decade ago, but the victim found herself unable to pursue the allegation and broke down on the way to the police station.

Blow was said to have initially tried to deny any wrongdoing before breaking down and admitting to his dad and police what he had done. However, he then denied the allegations saying he lied when initially speaking to the police because he thought if he agreed with what was being claimed that would be it and he could carry on doing magic.

Ms Cassel said: The impact on the complainant has been great. In 2019, she felt able to find strength and re-engage with the police and complete a video interview.

Ms Cassel said the attempted rape related to the defendant unsuccessfully trying to have anal sex with the girl.

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