Southampton 2011-04-19

Derry Gilfoy 49

Rapist trapped by DNA after attack.

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Offender ID: O-2094


Rowan Close, Southampton, Hampshire, SO16


POLICE overheard a prostitute pleading with a drunken punter not to harm her after she had dialled 999.

The woman was working on the street when she was approached by Derry Gilfoy who agreed to pay 40 for her services, and they went to the nearby car park of a motor cycle dealership.

But Southampton Crown Court heard that Gilfoy, who had been drinking heavily, became violent, shouting and swearing at her before slapping her across the face. He then told the woman that as a working girl she would do as she was told, forcing her to the ground and hitting her.

Prosecutor Kate Freemantle said the heroin addict however managed to dial 999 on her mobile phone she had hidden down her top and they could hear her, crying, screaming and pleading with him to get off her.

Afterwards Gilfoy went home where he collapsed on the sofa before going to bed.

He was trapped by DNA left on her scarf.

Gilfoy, 36, of Rowan Close, Southampton, admitted rape, assault by penetration and possessing cannabis which was found at his home after his arrest.

Jailing him for five years, Judge Patrick Hooton told him: You treated this woman, prostitute or not, appallingly badly. You humiliated her.

In mitigation, Richard Onslow was remorseful and had saved the woman from the ordeal of having to give evidence. He must live with what he has done for a very long for what was cheap sexual gratification. He has ruined his life and that of his family.

Gilfoy was also placed on the sex offenders register for life.

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