Nottinghamshire 2021-07-31

Bradley Dawes 29

Violent rapist who would degrade women for his own sadistic pleasure.

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Offender ID: O-2092


Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17


A violent rapist who would "degrade" women "for his own sadistic pleasure" has been jailed for 17 years.

Bradley Dawes, 26, of Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, was found guilty in March of rape and admitted four counts of assault.

He raped and beat one victim and during an attack on his second victim he punched her about 10 times.

Recorder Jason Macadam told Nottingham Crown Court Dawes was "motivated by his hostility towards women".

Dawes, of Mansfield Street, also previously admitted intimidating a witness, harassment and sexual assault.

The court heard Dawes had a history of violence towards women, including four previous convictions for 10 crimes in total.

The hearing was told that in December 2018 Dawes hit a woman a number of times, leaving her with a black eye and bruised ribs.

He also strangled her and "twisted her neck like a chicken and continued to hit her", the court heard.

On New Year's Day, he beat her again, and the next morning "raped her as a form of punishment".

She was left with a broken nose and tooth, and he then took her out to "show off her injuries" to his brother and a friend, the court was told.

'Intimidated and worthless'

In a victim impact statement, the woman, who cannot be identified, said she still suffered flashbacks and described how Dawes had "ruined" her life.

She said: "I still feel violated, intimidated and worthless because what of Bradley did to me."

In October 2019, he attacked another woman by grabbing her by the neck and punching her five times to the head and face, leaving her with a bloody nose and black eye, the court heard.

In another attack, he threw a boot at her and punched her about 10 times to the ribs, back and neck.

He then told her to put make-up on as he needed to see his probation officer.

Dawes also sent semi-naked photos of her to her brother, posted messages online threatening anyone who might take an interest in her, and threatened to set fire to her house.

She left her home due to concerns for her safety, the court heard.

The judge said his "conduct was to maximise distress" and was "motivated by your hostility towards women".

'Controlling bully'

He added: "It is apparent from your antecedence you are a misogynist and take pleasure in other people's misery."

He said Dawes "degraded" women "when alone or in the company of others... for your own sadistic pleasure".

"In respect of both complainants, you engaged in continuous acts of violence, coercion or humiliation," the judge added.

Det Con Donna Elliott, from Nottinghamshire Police, said: "Dawes is a violent, arrogant and controlling bully who terrorised two young women. His attitude throughout the investigation was appalling and I am delighted that he will now spend a very considerable period of time behind bars."

She added the victims "showed enormous courage in coming forward and giving evidence".

As well as being jailed for 17 years, Dawes was handed a restraining order and put on the sex offenders register for life.

He will have to serve two-thirds of his sentence before he can be considered for parole.

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