Southampton 2022-06-17

Jack McRae 31

Raping a woman in her own home and then keeping her prisoner for several days.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2030


Golden Grove, Southampton, Hampshire, SO14


A MAN has today been jailed for 14 years for raping a woman in her own home and then keeping her prisoner for several days.

Jack McRae, 29, was sentenced by Judge Peter Henry, who described him as one of the most dangerous defendants who had ever appeared before him.

McRae, of Golden Grove, Southampton, repeatedly insulted the judge and was taken back to the cells halfway through the sentencing process.

He had previously been convicted of several offences against the same woman, including rape, false imprisonment and criminal damage. He was also found guilty of assaulting another woman.

The offences against the first victim were committed at an address in the Southampton area in 2020.

Her victim impact statement, read to the court by Robert Brown, prosecuting, said she had since moved house because she no longer felt safe in her own home. She had been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and also suffered from severe depression.

Mr Brown told the court: "I'm not aware of any mitigating factors that can be put forward on behalf of Mr McRae. There is no evidence of remorse."

The other woman also submitted a victim impact statement to the court.

She said: "The incident literally left me feeling in fear of my life. He just kept punching me. I thought he was going to kill me."

Judge Henry told McRae: "What you did to these women has had a considerable effect upon them. You are a highly dangerous person."

After the defendant was taken back to the cells the judge said: "He is one of the most dangerous men who has appeared before me over the years.

"He uses violence, then seeks to justify or explain his actions, and tries to make [the victims] feel it is their fault."

McRae, who was not legally represented, was given as Bullingdon Prison, was handed an extended sentence for rape - 14 years in prison followed by eight years on licence.

He was also given varying custodial terms for the other offences, including three years for false imprisonment, all of which will run concurrently. He was also handed a two-year sentence, also concurrent, for assaulting the other woman.

Mr Brown said McRae had several previous convictions including robbery, battery and grievous bodily harm.

In one incident he attacked a prison officer, breaking his jaw in two places and causing him to lose a tooth.

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