Carmarthenshire 2022-06-25

Mark Campbell 34

Recorded himself raping a sleeping woman.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-2009


No fixed address.


A MAN who recorded himself raping a sleeping woman has been sentenced to ten years in prison.

Cameron Hassan changed his plea to guilty on the second day of his trial after the jury had watched the horrific footage.

Hassan recorded his victims private parts before recording himself anally raping her, coupled with a running commentary of insults and foul language.

The rape, which took place in Ammanford on August 21, 2021, had been recorded on his victims phone.

The court heard that in police interview after his arrest Hassan claimed that the sex had been part of a role play and that his victim wasnt sleeping at the time.

However, Hassan, 32, of no fixed abode, changed his plea before his victim had to take to the witness stand last May.

His Honour Judge Geraint Walters heard that Hassan had a lengthy antecedent history and had appeared in court 39 times in relation to 92 criminal offences.

Although none of these involved sexual offences some of the charges had involved violence and threats of violence towards women.

In a victim impact statement read out to the court Hassans victim said that she had difficulty sleeping, waking up in the night sweating and having disturbing dreams.

She was depressed and had been prescribed medication for this. The attack had caused massive trust issues and she had become distant from friends.

She didnt want to see anybody and didnt trust people. She was worried about the effect of the attack on future relationships and had difficulty with intimacy, feeling uneasy if somebody tried to hug her.

She added that the trial had caused her months of distress.

I wish that he had pleaded guilty from the start, she said.

I have had ten months of hell worried that I would have to talk about what happened in a court full of people. I have been physically unwell with worry.

In mitigation the court heard that Hassan had expressed remorse for what he had done and was disgusted about his behaviour and the hurt that was caused.

The court also heard that Hassan had indicated that he would engage with the support available in prison.

At the moment at least you have no respect for women, said judge Walters.

It is hard to imagine an act of greater degradation to a woman than that which I both saw and heard on that film.

Hassan was sentenced to ten years in prison for the rape offence at Swansea Crown Court on, Thursday, June 23. The court heard that he will serve three quarters of his sentence.

He was also sentenced to three months in prison, to run concurrently, for the offence of sending a threatening message. The court heard that he had pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity to this offence, which involved a different victim.

Senior Investigating Officer DI Melanie Havard said the victim had shown great strength and determination throughout the investigation and trial.

I must commend her tremendous courage in coming forward and the tenacity shown throughout the investigation, she said.

We appreciate this is not easy for anyone to do but the victim has expressed her gratitude to the officer in the case for her support and empathy throughout this process.

We hope this case demonstrates that Dyfed-Powys Police acts on serious allegations such as rape and sexual assault with officers working tirelessly to secure justice for victims.

If you are suffering because of similar abuse, please contact the police, or if you would rather speak to someone in confidence, New Pathways are an independent charity that will support you through every step of the investigation.

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