Staffordshire 2022-05-26

Robert Alexander 26

Forced schoolboys to take part in sexually explicit videos.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1886


West Street, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13


Pervert Robert Alexander wants to put his criminal past behind him as he learns to cope with the stigma of being a convicted sex offender.

Lawyers representing the 24-year-old told Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court that he is keen to become a more responsible member of society.

It comes after Alexander once again appeared in the dock for breaching two court orders. The defendant had been made the subject of an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and was placed on the sex offenders' register for 10 years after he forced schoolboys to take part in sexually explicit videos.

But he breached the SHPO by using Snapchat, as it deletes internet history, and he also failed to tell police about a change of address. Now Alexander has been handed a three-year community order at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court.

Prosecutor Nick Tatlow said under the terms of the SHPO the defendant is prohibited from deleting any internet use. But police went to his address on January 7 and requested he make available any device capable of accessing the internet or storing images.

Mr Tatlow said: "The risk assessor identified a Snapchat image. One of the features of Snapchat is that pictures are only available for a short period of time so the defendant is unable to use it as it doesn't have capacity to keep the history of internet use."

In his police interview the defendant admitted breaching the SHPO by using Snapchat.

Police made an unannounced visit to Alexander's address in West Street, Leek, on April 21. Mr Tatlow said: "There was no response to their knocking. They discovered the defendant had last paid rent in February and was not living at the flat for some months. Further enquiries led police to another address.

"The defendant called police and said he had left his previous address and was staying at Westminster Road. He agreed to meet them the next day. Police went there the next day and he was arrested for breach of the notification requirements."

In his police interview the defendant said he had started to move his belongings from the flat three months earlier and moved in fully with his brother-in-law six weeks previously.

Alexander, of West Street, Leek, pleaded guilty to breaching a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and failing to comply with notification requirements of the sex offenders' register.

Anis Ali, mitigating, said the defendant fell into rent arrears. He said: "Knowing he was going to appear before a court and realising what could happen he took it upon himself to vacate the premises."

He said the defendant requires assistance and support but has curtailed his excessive consumption of alcohol.

Mr Ali added: "He realises he has to put his criminality behind him to address the stigma and become a more responsible member of the community."

As part of the community order Alexander must complete a mental health treatment requirement for 12 months and a rehabilitation activity requirement for 40 days.

Judge David Fletcher said: "You know that prison is a distinct possibility today. On this occasion what I think is better for you is you have ongoing contact with those who are in a position to assist you." Alexander was ordered to pay 475 costs.

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