Manchester 2022-05-20

Michael Collins 30

Raped a woman in her home after meeting her on a dating site.

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Offender ID: O-1855


Craig Road, Gorton, Greater Manchester, M18


A man raped a woman in her home after meeting her on a dating site. Michael Collins has been locked up for eight years following the attack on his victim, who he met on Plenty of Fish.

The incident happened in 2016. Collins, now 28, went to the woman's house after making contact with her online. Minshull Street Crown Court heard the victim thought he was picking her up to go on a date.

They stayed at the woman's house. After watching TV, they kissed, which was consensual, the court heard.

Collins then attempted to put his hand under the woman's breast. She said no - and told him she didn't want to have sex. He continued to touch her, despite her protests. He sexually assaulted and raped her.

The court heard Collins said: "For f**k sake, that took me an hour to get that out of you." He repeatedly told her she was 'p*****g him off' and that she was 'lazy'.

The victim, the court heard, has suffered psychologically, has left the home and now suffers from anxiety. Defending, Richard Orme told the court Collins, originally from Ireland, comes from a 'family-focused' community. He followed his parents to Manchester to 'make a life in the UK'.

Recorder Abigail sentenced Collin to eight years. She said: "It was your intention to have sex, the consent was entirely irrelevant."

She said that while Collins 'may have matured', the fact he has 'persisted on the delusion that what he did was acceptable' meant he was still a 'risk' and must be kept behind bars.

Collins, of Craig Road, Gorton was found guilty of two counts of rape; sexual assault; and causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent. He was ordered to sign the Sex Offender Register for life.

Following the case, DC Martyn Bateman, of GMP's City of Manchester C.I.D, said: "Despite being told no, Collins forced himself upon this woman to satisfy his sexual desires. Sexual offences often have a lifelong impact on victims but, hopefully, today's result will provide her with a level of closure.

"It is also my hope that this case builds public trust and confidence that, though these cases can take some time, GMP is committed to bringing offenders to face justice by launching thorough investigations which gather all evidence to secure the best possible outcome."

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