Oxfordshire 2022-05-18

Jacquani Phillips 23

Rapist who filmed vile abuse of teen victim.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1836


Ploughley Road, Ambrosden, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX25


A teenager who woke up to find a man raping her said she hoped he rots in prison after he put her through months of misery.

Jacquani Phillips, 21, filmed part of his abuse of the woman who was then still under-18 during the ordeal near Bicester on October 10 last year.

His victim, who was in court on Tuesday afternoon to see him jailed for eight-and-a-half years, said her life had stopped in the six months after he raped her and as the case proceeded for trial.

In her impact statement, read to Oxford Crown Court, she told her abuser: Youre disgusting. A horrible piece of work and I honestly hope you rot in prison.

Prosecutor Jonathan Stone told the court that the victim had taken medication on the night of the rape, which put her into a deep sleep.

She woke up three times in the night to find that Phillips was raping her in the bed. Despite the effects of the medication, she elbowed him and told him no making it clear she did not want to have sex with him.

Police forensic experts later found videos on his phone taken in the early hours of the night of the sexual assaults, which appeared to show him molesting an unresponsive woman. There was also an explicit photograph.

Jailing him for eight-and-a-half years, of which he will serve at least two-thirds in custody, Judge Nigel Daly told Phillips: I have considered whether life imprisonment is appropriate in this case. It is not. I have considered the dangerousness provisions [where Phillips would receive an extended licence period] and whether or not they apply in this case. I have considered that they do not.

A restraining order bans him from contacting his victim indefinitely and he will remain a sex offender for the rest of his life.

Lucy Tapper, mitigating, said that although a few years older than his victim was immature for his age. That claim was supported by a psychiatric report.

He was a 21-year-old man who had taken responsibility for his actions in spite of knowing there was a lengthy sentence ahead of him, she said.

Ms Tapper reminded the judge there were a number of positive character references submitted in support of her client. Prior to his remand he had dreams of becoming a pastry chef.

Phillips, of Ploughley Road, Ambrosden, pleaded guilty a month before his trial date to rape, sexual assault by penetration and sexual assault. He hada one previous conviction for fare dodging on the railway.

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