Rotherham 2022-05-06

Bradley Joynson 23

Predator plied teen girls with food and drink before forcing them to have sex with him.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1820


Rotherwood Crescent, Thurcroft, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S66


A man plied teenage girls with food and drinks and made them believe he was in a relationship with them before pressuring them into sex.

Bradley Joynson, 21, of Rotherwood Crescent, Rotherham, exploited four teenage girls and coerced them to comply with his sexual requests, telling them of his violent nature.

Joynson - who was 18 at the time - preyed on his victims after he met them through his friends and led them to believe he was in a relationship with them, collected them in his car, bought them food and drinks and then went on to have sex with them at his home. One of his victims was abused in his car.

The depraved teenager's offending first came to light when one of his four victims, who were all aged between 13 and 15, contracted a sexually transmitted disease and another went missing from home. Both circumstances led police to investigate and Joynson was arrested in April 2019.

He was later charged with 11 offences including rape and sexual activity with a child. He initially denied having any contact at all with his victims. Police were able to seize and download a number of devices and piece together conversations.

Joynson - who was classed by a judge as a "dangerous offender," was jailed at Sheffield Crown Court for four-and-a-half-years for four counts of sexual activity with a child. All of the other charges will lie on file. He was also made the subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for eight years and a restraining order in favour of all of his four victims.

Reacting to his sentencing, DC Lisa Yates of Rotherham's Protecting Vulnerable People Unit said: "Joynson took advantage of four young girls, all of whom were particularly vulnerable due to their own personal circumstances.

"He preyed upon them for his own sexual gratification and used coercion and manipulation to get his own way. CSE [child sexual exploitation) cases are often complex, because victims don't realise they're victims until its too late.

"As well as the phone evidence, all four of Joynson's victims were prepared to stand up and give evidence in court. They gave compelling evidence in interview. I would like to thank each and every one of them wholeheartedly for their patience and cooperation - without them, Joynson would have got away with his actions.

"No length of sentence would ever compensate for what Joynson did, but I hope his victims can now begin to move on and find closure."

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