Manchester 2022-05-06

Jonathan Mealing 54

Controlling and manipulating numerous women before raping them.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1790


Whitefield, Greater Manchester, M45


An 'abusive and serial predator has been jailed for 30 years after controlling and manipulating numerous women before raping them. 'Monster' Jonathan Mealing, 52, was convicted by a jury of 17 offences including multiple rapes, sexual assaults and engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour in March this year.

Minshull Street Crown Court heard that Mealing, of Whitefield, Bury, felt he was entitled to sex and would often force his victims into having sex throughout the day and night. He told one of the victims it was their duty.

He also controlled and manipulated them, telling them who they could have contact with, what they could wear and in one incident, how much food they could eat. He became aggressive and violent if they resisted, the court heard.

Today Mealing was jailed for 30 years with an extended licence period of eight years as a judge deemed his offending as abusive, serial and predatory.

Prosecutor Huw Edwards told the court that Mealing took the driving licence from this first victim and prevented her from using her mobile phone. He belittled her, assaulted her and deprived her of food, he said.

In essence, he controlled every aspect of her life. He frequently demanded sex from her and there were times when he had sex with her whilst she was asleep.

The second victim was also controlled by him in that he restricted contact with her family and friends. There were references to him as a Prince Charming before showing his true colours, Mr Edwards said.

He went onto rape her, and when she said that she didnt like it, he replied: Well I like it. He also told her it was her duty for perform oral sex on him, and said she wasnt allowed to say no to him. He then sexually assaulted the woman.

Mealing forced his third victim to leave her job, accusing her of cheating on him and took control of her bank account. The court heard that during a food shop, she could be seen on CCTV doing the international hand gesture for domestic violence. Sadly, no one knew what the symbol was, the prosecutor said.

The abuser went on to rape the victim twice. The sentencing judge said already read the victim impact statements in advance of the hearing, and said the one by the first victim was particularly harrowing.

The rapist was said to have one previous conviction of domestic violence dating back to 1993.

In mitigation, Iain Simkin said Mealing continues to deny the offences and said this will be his first period of custody that he will suffer.

This offending pattern is of an abusive, serial and predatory sex offender towards women, Judge John Potter said. You viewed each of your victims as little more than objects to be exploited by you to satisfy your selfish and misogynistic desire.

You quickly persuaded each of them to share intimacy with you and as you did this you deliberately tried to destroy their independence. You tried to limit those with whom they have contact with, you tried to take over their financial affairs and you threatened violence or caused violence upon each of them when they tried to resist.

The judge said that Mealing had acted in a campaign of rape against the victims and said one of the women described him as a monster.

Finding him to be a dangerous offender under the sentencing guidelines, Judge Potter said: You have no insight whatsoever as to the risk you present to others. You have not a shred of remorse for the gross and serious harm you have caused.

Mealing, of Welbeck Close, was jailed for 30 years with an extended licence period of eight years. He was placed on the Sex Offenders Register for life and was made subject of restraining orders in relation to each victim for life.

He will serve 20 years in prison before being considered for release by the parole board. That means you will either be in custody or subject to licence conditions until you are 90, the judge added.

Detective Sergeant Steve Horton, of GMP's Bury district, said: "Mealing's treatment of the victims was deplorable. I would like to thank them for their courage and providing us with evidence which enabled us to pursue this prosecution. Though these offences often have a lifelong impact on victims, it is my hope that this result provides them with a sense of closure.

"I would like to use this opportunity to appeal to people who are being coercively controlled or sexually abused to contact us or one of our specialist partner agencies. Greater Manchester Police will do everything in our power to keep you safe and ensure that the person responsible for harming you is brought to face justice for their crimes."

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