Birmingham 2022-05-08

Mohammad Afzal 68

Chemistry teacher sexually assaulted pupil.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1787


Sheldon, Birmingham, B26


A pupil at a top Kent boarding school was sexually assaulted by a senior member of staff, who later went on to teach elsewhere in the country.

Even though the terrified child reported the incident to senior staff at the Maidstone school almost 30 years ago, police were never informed.

Head of chemistry Dr Mohammed Afzal - who was referred to as "X" by his victim - was allowed to resign before going on to teach at other schools, a court has heard.

She told the judge: "When X assaulted me, the school did nothing to support me, other than to dismiss him. I received no mental health support whatsoever.

"I learned to suffer in silence. I was treated like I was a piece of dirt and rubbish to be discarded."

His defiant victim told the judge that her voice was taken away when she was a child before adding: "X effectively imprisoned me and terrified me. My parents and the school did nothing to report X's behaviour to the police.

"But I wanted to be brave for myself and others so that I could speak out.

"My voice was taken away from me when I was a child but I am an adult now. I have carried this burden but it was not my shame. I will no longer suffer in silence for what X did."

The former pupil, who watched proceedings by video-link from an adjoining room, added: "I was particularly vulnerable to X's predatory behaviour because I came from a poor background compared to the majority of pupils.

"School taught me many things but it didn't teach me the warning signs that I was being groomed.

"Signs such as emotional manipulation, coercive behaviour and gaslighting.

"X taught me that words can become dangerous weapons in the mouths of predators."

Afzal - who is now 66 years old - had planned the sex attack after buying alcohol before seducing the child.

Prosecutor Tom Dunn told Maidstone Crown Court: "He was suspended following reports made by the victim who had claimed she had been indecently assaulted.

"However, the school chose not to inform the police about the complaints, and instead they suspended him."

It was only in 2019 when the victim told police that she was suffering from poor mental health caused by her ordeal that criminal investigations began.

The prosecutor told how the pupil was lured to his home in the school on the pretext of babysitting duties.

When the girl realised there were no children present he made excuses before making her telephone her parents claiming she was babysitting.

He added: "Afzal came in to visit her, and seemed concerned about her welfare. He suggested that he would cook dinner for her.

"She said that Afzal gave her wine, which made her feel unusually heavy, and then got into bed with her.

The predator said: "Why don't you kiss me? You are a beautiful girl.

"He then sexually assaulted her by forcing his tongue into her mouth, groping her breasts and touching her."

Mr Dunn also revealed that the devious doctor also had inappropriate relationships with other pupils at the time.

Afzal, now of Sheldon in Birmingham, was arrested at the city's airport before boarding a flight to Dubai.

He was found guilty of sexual assault and has now been jailed for three years and ordered to pay his victim 1,000 compensation.

The court heard how police officers were also able to find written details backing the child's complaint in the archives at Sutton Valence - and a tape recording of Afzal attempting to seduce another pupil.

The judge, Recorder Patricia Hitchcock QC, told him his victim had found his behaviour "disgusting" adding: "Your actions have had a devastating effect on her life.

"Kent Police takes all reports of sexual offences very seriously, no matter how much time has passed since the incident took place"

"You are a highly educated man but you are still unable to grasp the seriousness of your crime."

Investigating officer DC Dan Williams said: "Kent Police takes all reports of sexual offences very seriously, no matter how much time has passed since the incident took place.

"Such offences are never forgotten by the victims, who always display tremendous courage in speaking up to ensure their attackers can be brought to justice.

"The crime committed by Mohammad Afzal was dreadful and I hope his imprisonment sends a clear message to other victims that you can speak to us, we will believe you and we will carry out a full and thorough investigation to bring those responsible before the courts."

A spokesman for the school said: We condemn the actions of this individual in the strongest possible terms, and we express our sympathy to the victims.

"The school notified the Department for Education directly in 1993, following the staff members immediate suspension, and the authorities chose to take no further action.

"The school was first approached by police in 2019 for information to support the recent criminal case, and we have provided our full support throughout.

"In recent inspections, the school has been praised for its safeguarding procedures nothing is more important than the safety of members of our community.

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