Worcestershire 2022-05-10

Daniel Barrett 44

Climbed onto a flat roof to film a teenage couple having sex and also performed a sex act in front of a young girl in a tent.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1782


Bewdley Street, Evesham, Worcestershire, WR11


A PERVERT who secretly filmed teenagers having sex and took naked photos of young girls made the mum of one victim 'physically sick'.

Daniel Barrett, also known as 'Bill', even climbed onto a flat roof to film a teenage couple having sex and also performed a sex act in front of a young girl in a tent.

The 42-year-old of Bewdley Street, Evesham, showed no emotion as he was jailed for 33 months at Worcester Crown Court on Monday. One victim described 'suicidal thoughts' while the mother of a victim threw up when she learned the defendant had filmed her daughter having sex.

He had previously admitted four counts of voyeurism which had three separate victims in total and one count of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child which he only accepted on what have been the first day of his trial. This 'plea at the door of the court', though entered late, did spare one victim having to give evidence.

Jonathan Veasey-Pugh, prosecuting, said one of the children he filmed would have been either nine, 10, 11 or 12 at the the time of the offence and the other would have been 14, 15 or 16. The voyeurism offences took place between February 23, 2006 and February 22, 2009 and again between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2017.

An iPhone and a computer were seized during the course of the investigation.

Mr Veasey-Pugh described how one victim saw a light and found a camera hidden in a pile of clothes. The video on the camera even showed the defendant placing it there.

Barrett also performed a sex act upon himself in a tent in front of a child. "He made eye contact with her. She made eye contact with him" said Mr Veasey-Pugh.

The whole incident lasted five minutes. Photos of a girl naked from the top down were found on the defendant's computer as was a video of a girl having sex with her boyfriend when she was an adult. The defendant's brother ultimately brought the matters to the attention of the authorities in 2020.

Barrett had filmed a teenage couple having sex by placing the phone on a window ledge, admitting that he had done this for his own gratification. In interview he accepted he was 'fascinated generally with teenage girls'.

In a victim impact statement one of the complainants 'talks of anxiety, stress and suicidal thoughts', said the prosecutor. After discovering a video had been made of her daughter having sex, the mum of one victim said: "I was violently sick."

"The defendant's mother also has some rather robust things to say about the defendant" said the prosecutor, although he did not disclose her words in open court.

Judge Nicholas Cole spoke of the impact upon the victims and upon the mother who learned what had happened. "One can only imagine the horror and disgust that her mother experienced observing this video and to know that you had made it and stored it on your computer for your own sexual gratification."

He made a restraining order to prohibit any contact with the victims until further order. A sexual harm prevention order will restrict his contact with children and his use of the internet and electronic devices for an indefinite period. Barrett must sign the sex offender register and is subject to notification requirements, again indefinitely.

The forfeiture and destruction of the computer was ordered. Barrett was told he could expect to serve half his sentence in custody and half in the community on licence.

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