Manchester 2022-05-05

Amanuel Tsegay 39

Rapist stalked city streets in search of victims before attacking two lone women.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1770


Lords Avenue, Salford, Manchester, M5


Rapist Amanuel Tsegay, 37, caught a train from Manchester to Preston where he stalked the city streets in search of victims before attacking two lone women on September 22, 2019.

The CCTV footage was released by Lancashire Police after Tsegay, of Lords Avenue, Salford, was jailed for 12 years and seven months at Sessions House in Preston yesterday (Wednesday, May 4). He was also handed a six-year extended licence period after a judge deemed him to be a dangerous offender and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Speaking of the footage, Det Insp Fiona Jackson, from Lancashire Police, said: Amanuel Tsegay is a sexual predator and it is clear from CCTV footage that he was prowling around the centre of Preston looking for vulnerable women.

"He raped one young woman, forced another woman into a kiss and made lewd comments about performing a sex act towards two others.

The 18-year-old rape victim was targeted by Tsegay at around 4.20am after he found her separated from her friends following a night out in the city.

The teenager had been walking along Lancaster Road alone when she was confronted by Tsegay near the Harris Museum. He led her towards grassland between the Guild Hall and the bus station where he raped her.

In a victim impact statement read out in court, she said: Before that night I was happy, I liked to meet new people and make new friends. I didnt have any worries and now that has all changed.

Since the attack, she has been unable to sleep, suffers recurring nightmares and has been forced to give up her job due to anxiety.

Another victim, aged 19, was grabbed by Tsegay who forced himself on her that same night after she kindly offered him some food. She now fears leaving her own home.

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