Renfrewshire 2021-10-26

Alexander Murphy 51

Scots cop who groped teenage girl after plying her with booze.

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Offender ID: O-1719


Paisley, Renfrewshire, PA1 – PA3


Disgraced ex-Police Constable Alexander Murphy found himself back in the dock.

A disgraced police officer is now jobless and living off benefits after being convicted of sexually abusing a schoolgirl, a court heard.

Alexander Murphy was placed on the Sex Offenders' Register earlier this year for attacking the teenager at a party after plying her and other underage girls with Dragon Soop and wine.

Murphy, 49, was spared jail in July for touching the 15-year-old inappropriately after telling her that she was his "favourite" and "cute".

But the former Police Scotland officer, who resigned following his conviction, found himself back in the dock at Hamilton Sheriff Court today.

Murphy, of Strathaven, Lanarkshire, pleaded guilty to a charge under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, by failing to comply with the terms of the Sex Offenders Register.

The court heard that, while he had informed police within three days that he had been placed on the register by the courts, he had failed to disclose a bank card.

Convicted sex offenders have to provide the details of their internet accounts and bank cards to officers so their online activities can be monitored.

Defence solicitor Andy Iles said: "He is unemployed and in receipt of Universal Credit.

"He was previously a police officer but lost his job due to his previous conviction."

The lawyer said Murphy had gone to his local police station to register as a sex offender following his conviction but forgot about the bank card.

Prosecutor Morag McClintock said: "He said he used it once and completely forgot about it."

Mr Iles added: "It was a genuine mistake, but he realises that is not a reasonable excuse [for failing to comply with the regulations] and he accepts that."

Sheriff Small fined him 200, reduced from 300 as he admitted his guilt, and said: "I think this was a genuine mistake which is, of course, not a reasonable excuse.

"I'm going to impose a financial penalty to make you realise the unacceptability of your carelessness effectively."

The court heard Murphy needed time to pay the fine, agreeing to make payments of 20-per-month.

Murphy, who served as a Police Constable in Livingston, West Lothian, and previously lived in Paisley, Renfrewshire, admitted sexually assaulting the girl, who cant be named for legal reasons.

He also admitted committing a breach of the peace by supplying alcohol to underage girls and making inappropriate remarks to them, at a house party in Uddingston, Lanarkshire, on March 8, 2019.

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