Newport 2022-04-27

Gad Evans 57

Rapist has been jailed after he subjected a young girl to horrific abuse.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1709


Newport, Wales


A CONVICTED rapist has been jailed after he subjected a young girl to horrific abuse in a separate case.

Paedophile Gad Evans, 55, from Newport, has been locked up for nine years following his guilty pleas to a raft of offences.

They were committed in Caerphilly county between 2007 and 2011.

He also admitted five counts of sexual assault of a child under 13.

Jeffrey Jones, representing Evans, asked for his client to be given credit for his guilty pleas.

Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke told the defendant he would have to serve two-thirds of his nine-year sentence in prison.

Evans must register as a sex offender indefinitely and was banned from working with children for life.

Following sentence, Detective Constable Alison Perry, the officer in the case, said: We would not have been able to bring Gad Evans before the courts to face justice without the courageous testimony of his victim.

The bravery and resilience that she has shown throughout the investigation has been truly inspirational.

Taking the first step to speak out about the horrific abuse they have endured is hard and we understand that is can be difficult for victims to make that initial call.

We take all allegations of sexual assault, particularly against children, very seriously.

"If a report is made to us, our officers will investigate them thoroughly.

I want to reassure anyone considering doing so that there is a whole range of support out there; not only from Gwent Police but from partner agencies who can help you through the entire process.

There are support services available for victims of sexual abuse, both non-recent and current and for both adults and children.

"This help is also accessible to all genders.

Sexual abuse can be reported to us via 101, or to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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