Hayling Island 2022-04-25

Michael Tyler 39

Paedophile jailed after being snared by vigilante group for trying to entice girl, 13, to meet for sex.

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Offender ID: O-1698


Hayling Island


Repeat offender Michael Tyler, 37, was exposed by the paedophile hunter group after trying to lure his victim into sex whilst warning her not to tell anyone.

The Hayling Island predator sparked up a chat with the child online before the conversation quickly became sexual.

Portsmouth Crown Court heard how the pervert sought to entice the child with compliments to achieve his own warped gratification during a two-week period in January.

Tyler sent the apparent girl an avalanche of crude pictures and videos of himself after the chats became increasingly sexualised as the conversation moved on to Whatsapp.

The court heard how Tyler told the girl she was beautiful and gorgeous before adding: This will be our secret.

Prosecutor Edward Hollingsworth said: The sexual communication carried on and he sent images of his penis and a video of himself (performing a sex act).

He said they should meet up and suggested visiting her or going to a hotel.

The court was told how Tyler attempted to gain the girls trust to achieve his ends. We dont have to have sex. I can touch and kiss you in places, he told the child.

Another video of himself performing a sex act was then sent before he added: You can touch if you want.

Tyler said he would be gentle and loving as he continued his bombardment to the child, who he encouraged to perform a sex act on herself.

He arranged to meet her on January 30 at Salisbury train station after the girl said she was house sitting nearby.

But when members of the paedophile hunters turned up Tyler was nowhere to be seen.

However, the paedophile was later doorstepped and confronted at his home in Westfield Avenue where he gave no comment responses.

Police were called before Tyler was arrested.

The court heard how Tyler was jailed in 2010 for like offending when he was snared by a decoy after trying to get a 14-year-old girl to perform a sex act on a webcam.

He went on to commit breaches to his sexual notification requirements in 2019, which he was given a suspended sentence for.

The court was told how Tyler had not gone to meet the girl.

Judge, Recorder Robin Sellers, said: Obviously you didnt go (to meet the girl) and had no plans to.

Highlighting the previous offending, the judge said: It is a recurrence of the same type of behaviour.

You put yourself out there not knowing who you were going to be talking to. You fell foul of the trap from the decoy.

Recorder Sellers highlighted Tylers history of non-compliance with court orders before adding: You are dangerous and present a significant risk to the public.

Tyler was then served a five-year jail term with a one-year extended sentence.

Tyler admitted four offences including attempting to engage in sexual communications with a child, arranging or facilitating the commission of a child sex offence, causing or inciting a girl aged 13 to 15 to engage in sexual activity, and attempting to cause a child under 13 to watch/look at an image of sexual activity.

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